

Can a gerbil get sick from a person?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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yes, just the same as a gerbil can make us sick.

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Q: Can a gerbil get sick from a person?
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Can a gerbil have oatmeal?

No because it's human food and they'll get sick and/or die

Can duck tape make your my gerbil sick if he chews on it?

Yes. Do not let them have access to it.

What does it mean if a gerbil goes out of group to sleep on own?

It could mean that he/she is sick and is being singled out by the group to help prevent the others from getting sick.

Can a gerbil eat a pickle?

NO NO NO it will get extreemly sick will stop eating and drinking then die ................ if i were u i woudent try it.

What does asick or ill baby gerbil look like?

A sick or ill baby gerbil looks normal...Sometimes. BUT, if they hardly move a lot, don't nurse, and their exposed skin becomes pale and/or scaley; that shows they are sick. Sick baby gerbils also let loose a lot of mucus from their noses. Feel the babies nose to see if it is wet. Baby gerbils that are sick also tend to drool.

Can you get sick from breathing on someone?

if the person is sick, and you are close enough to the person, then yes you can get sick. But if you are sick and you breath on someone, then that person could get sick. If you or the person who you are breathing on are both healthy, then it would be hard to get sick, in fact if someone is going to get sick, then it will be the person who you are breathing on.

Do gerbils have enemies?

Yes,in fact they do. Either another gerbil or a person or thing they just do not like. If you have this problem,I suggest you return your gerbil immediantly or get him/her neutered.

Is your gerbil sick if its tail is wet?

it could of been sleeping under the water bottle but if not that bring it to the vets to see wats wrong

What do you do of your gerbil is sick?

It depends how sick. not very sick= do a little research maybe plan on buying medicine. medium sick= schedule an appointment with the vet. really sick= rush it to the vet as fast as possible don't just watch to see if it gets better! PLEASE DONT EDIT! Thanks, Sky C.

Do gerbils lose hair?

Gerbils may start to shed when the weather gets warmer. Other that that, gerbils should not loose hair unless they are sick. If a gerbil is loosing hair, it could be very sick.

What is wrong with female gerbil her left eye doesn't open she has had weight gain and now doesn't eat or take baths?

she may be sick.

How do you introduce a baby male gerbil to an adult female gerbil?

Like if you intruduce a baby gerbil to a female and a male gerbil they might be nice to him but the male gerbil might play fight or fight in the cage i do not think if you leave the baby gerbil in the same cage with the male gerbil or a female gerbil the female gerbil migt fight or play fight with the baby gerbil if u do please be real care full because if the male gerbil no that the babby gerbil if its a baby girl gerbil yhey will mate or if u do the same with the adult female gerbil they mate to with a baby boy gerbil or adult gerbil will mate to and also mate means that the female gerbil have babbies with the male gerbils .