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Q: Can a girl hamster have babies with another girl hamster?
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Can you Make hamster have babies?

No. You cant make a hamster have babies because it must have a male hamster with a girl hamster and the male hamster might not get the girl pregnant so just roll with it.

How many weeks does a hamster carry its babies?

It depends on what hamster you have. Usually they are pregnant for 2 weeks. 14-16 days. If your hamster is pregnant for 20 days or over, like most people say, then there must be something wrong. I have 2 hamsters. A boy and girl and the girl has had babies 3 different times. Working on 4. So, I am pretty certain that a hamster has its babies in early 3 weeks after the mating. If your hamster is having babies, and you don't want more. Seperate the boy from the girl. After the girl has her babies she gives out this fuem kind of thing that attracks the male, and in another 2 weeks you will have babies. If you have a hamster, they usually have up to 10 babies.

Can a boy hamster be in the same cage as a girl?

Yes. a boy hamster can be with a girl but i bet you they will have babies.

Does a girl dwarf hamster need a boy dwarf hamster to have babies?


Does a girl hamster need a boy to have babies?

no not at all!

Should I buy your dwarf hamster a hamster friend or not?

They might cause a fight, if same gender, If not the same gender, the they will (most likely) have babies, and when a female hamster has babies, you have to help the babies come out. And if you touch the hamster babies AT ALL, the mother will eat them. I don't recommend buying another hamster.

Can a Girl robo hamster have babies by herself?

I am not sure, but I don't think they can.

How long after hamsters have babys can they have more?

if you get a boy hamster and a girl hamster and if they are mates they will have babies and after a few days try it again then you will have more babies hoped i helped

Will a girl hamster have babies with the male in the cage?

If the hamster is over 5 weeks old then yes it is very likely.

How can your hamster have babies?

A hamster can have babies by (being a boy\girl) placing another hamster of the opposite sex into the same cage. This might also result in them fighting, which in that can either put up with them and assume the feeling is mutual, or you can remove the female\male from the cage. Make sure if the female does get impregnated that she stays healthy, watered, and well-fed, and when she gives birth to her hamster babies she doesn't eat them (which hamsters WILL do.) You're welcome! P.S. If this isn't what you meant by "How can your hamster have babies?" then please feel free to point this out.

What will happen if the boy hamster is not taken out of the cage when the girl hamster is pregnant?

They will probably fight. However, a dwarf hamster male can stay in the cage with the female. He can help raise the babies.

Can you have a another female hamster with a pregnant hamster in the same cage?

no i would move them out the hamsters could get in a fight or eat the others babies