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Yes, a female normally releases an egg for the first time about 14 days before the first period, and continues doing so monthly until menopause, regardless of marital status.

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Q: Can a girl release egg before marriage?
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Related questions

When does ovulation pain happen before the release of an egg or after?

can be before,but usually and mostly after.

What happens to the uterus wall before the release of an egg?

After the release of an egg, the uterus will form a thick lining of blood within its wall in preparation for the implantation of a fertilized egg in the wall of the uterus. If the egg will not be fertilized, the thick lining of blood with exit the body in the process of menstruation.

Can you have a girl three days before your period?

yes. anyone can conceive at any time as long as there is an egg present with a sperm.

Does a girl have to nut to release eggs and get pregnant?

A girl will ovulate regardless of whether she has sex. Sex allows the sperm to meet the egg and cause pregnancy.

Does your body release an egg before or after your period?

For most women, between each period is a time spam of 28 days roughly. Yours could be shorter or longer. 14 days before your expected period you ovulate (release and egg) This is known to be the best time for trying for a baby because the egg is ready to be fertilized. If the egg isn't fertilized you will have your period 14 days later. So the answer to your question is before.

What is the release of the egg from ovary called?

When an egg is discharged from the ovaries it is known as ovulation.Ovulation occurs roughly two weeks before menstruation, but this can vary. Ovulation will typically only occur once per cycle, but multiple eggs can be released.

How do birth control pills prevent prevent pregnancy?

They either inhibit the release of an egg, or prevents the egg from implanting - therefore the womb purges the lining before the egg can gain nourishment.

Does egg release and egg rupture are same terms?

Egg rupture and egg release are two different things. Egg release is when the female body releases an egg in hopes to be fertilized. Egg rupture refers to the egg bursting because of cysts.

Does a girl have to ovulate to get pregnant?

Yes, because it is only there that she can release an egg and if during ovulation she had an intercourse there is a chance of getting pregnant.

Can you ovulate before you period?

ovulation normally occurs about 2 weeks before your period actually starts. The purpose of a period is a direct relation to the release of an egg during ovulation. The egg will be released from the falopian tubes and enter the uterus (ovulation). Once the egg sits in the uterus for several days if it is not penetrated by sperm the body will reject it by causing contractions of the uterus to release the egg. This is when your period occurs as your uterus is "washing" out the egg from the uterus. So....yes...ovulation always occurs before your period.

How do oral contraceptives-specifically with birth control pills-prevent pregnancy?

They either inhibit the release of an egg, or prevents the egg from implanting - therefore the womb purges the lining before the egg can gain nourishment.

What shall you call your egg buddy?

GIRL EGG NAMES.ShellyEllieKellyCarolineKatherineRhiannonBrittanyBOY EGG NAMES.HarryHenryBradleyBenRyanStevenJoshua