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Q: Can a gluten free diet help people with sarcoidosis?
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What is another name for a gluten-free diet does not have the word gluten in it?

I have Celiac Disease and because of that I have to stay on a gluten-free diet. Gluten grows on the wheat plant so I have also told people that I am allergic to wheat products. A gluten-free diet is also a wheat-free diet. But gluten is also in rye, oats and barley.

Is eating a gluten free diet enough to be considered paleo?

No, eating a gluten free diet is not enough to be considered paleo. People on the paleo diet eliminate all processed foods.

Is Kamut safe to eat for people who practice gluten free diet?

No! Kamut contains gluten.

Is diet snapple gluten free?

Snapple is gluten free.

What does a gluten free diet consist of?

No gluten

Can you cheat on a gluten-free diet?

One has the ability to cheat, but considering that most people who pursue such a diet have gluten sensitivity, it is not advisable. To do so, simply consume gluten.

What is on a gluten free diet?

A gluten-free diet is a diet that excludes foods containing gluten. Gluten is a protein found in wheat (including kamut and spelt), barley, rye, malts, and triticale.

Which new gluten free diet books have a section featuring quinoa?

A number of new gluten free diet books have a section featuring quinoa. Some of these books include '4 Ingredients Gluten Free', 'Easy Gluten' and 'Your Wheat Free Gluten Diet Plan'.

Is a gluten free diet effective for ulcerative colitis?

A gluten free diet is very effective for ulcerative colitis. Since ulcerative colitis is an intolerance to gluten, one with this condition would benefit greatly from a gluten free diet.

Can you have dairy products on a Gluten Free diet?

Of course you can as long as they are gluten free :)

Does the glutten free and casein diet work for autistic kids?

A gluten-free diet can be helpful for some people with Autism. Autistic people are six times more likely to suffer digestive problems, some will be intolerant or sensitvie to gluten, but even in those who aren't a gluten-free diet can be a healthier option and can help with symptoms.

What is gluten free diet?

no gluten wheat inn foods