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Q: Can a green female guppy give birth to red guppy fry?
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If you have no male guppy will your female guppy give birth?

what u expect? a miracle?????? Actually it's possible if you recently purchased your females from a pet store or your male recently died. Female guppies can hold sperm from a male guppy for a number of birth cycles.

Is it ok to let the female guppy give birth in the tank?

Yes, the fry do quite well in the tank.

Does guppy give birth?


Will my guppy give birth soon?


How can you tell if a pregnant guppy is ready to have fry?

The female guppy will be very large and will have a gravid spot near her anus. But when she is ready to give birth she will be very still and huddling near the heater in your tank.

Does guppy give birth to young?

Yes, Guppies give birth to live young.

What if your guppie can't give birth what do you do?

If you guppy can't give birth to its fry, it will likely die.

Does a guppy give brith?

yes, a guppy gives birth to live young. But I wouldn't suggest trying it.

When is your guppy old enough to give birth?

Depending on how fast the female grows, it could could get pregnant as young as 8 - 10 weeks old.

If a female guppy gravid spot is yellow is she pregnant?

The gravid spot on a guppy is not always a 100% determination of pregnancy as the colours can vary. Quite often, when they are ready to give birth, the gravid spot becomes quite dark.

Does guppy give birth to young alive?

Yes. Guppies are livebearers.

Does a guppy bears its young alive?

Yeah, guppies bear live young