

Can a guy be bisexual even though he's into girls more?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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7y ago

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Yes, that is completely possible. Bisexuality, although it can be a 50-50 attraction to 2 different genders, is not necessary to be bisexual.

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8y ago

Yes. Bisexuality isn't always an equal leaning to both men and women. Sometimes the person is more attracted to one specific sex.

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Q: Can a guy be bisexual even though he's into girls more?
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No it doesn't. That is called bisexual, when you like both males and females.

Can a guy be bisexual even though he leans more towards girls?

Yes. In fact, it's more common for bisexuals to lean toward one gender than to be equally split between male attraction and female attraction.

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Nope! You might just be bisexual or even bicurious.

Why does she like girls more?

Maybe she is a lesbian. Or bisexual with a female preference.

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No, I don't agree, even though I am a male.

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No. Bisexuality is more than simply liking looking at girls (if you are female). I, a strongly heterosexual male, quite like looking at sculptures, paintings, or even photographs of the nude male figure. However, i would never dream of becoming part of or partaking in any homoerotic relationship. Being bisexual is about your feelings. If you start to develop strong feelings for another girl, you could be bisexual or homosexual. I am a bisexual female, so I'd know what you're going through.

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don't just choose a girlfriend based on whether they are bisexual... but girls tend to be more open about their bisexuality (it still depends about where you are...but in NY most people are open about their sexuality)

Are girls today having more bisexual relationships than previous generations?

Yes, but only because of the fact that laws and culture have changed to allow bisexual people to express who they are.

What does it mean if a girl is bisexual?

It means you like both girls and guys. your still who you are though.

Is ther more girls than boys?

Canada's Capital Is Getting Trade Of People With America. But Mostly Females Are On Trade More Than Boys, So That Means In Canada,There Are More Girls Than Boys, Even Though The Symbol Of Canada Has Nothing To Do With Girls.

How can somebody get more girls to date even though a person is not good looking?

You gotta use deoderant, get a total makeover, then get horny