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Q: Can a hammerhead kill a great white shark?
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Is it true that the hammerhead shark doesn't kill a dolphin because a hurd of dolphin can hurt it or kill it?

when a dolphin is alone it can be killed by sharks but when dolphins are moving in packs they can kill the hammerhead shark. A dolphin can poke at a hammerhead shark so that the shark flips into the air. Then the dolphin calls his friends, and they poke the hammerhead to death.

Can a hammerhead shark kill a killer whale?


Why do hunters kill the great white shark?

For the thrill of the kill. Illegal shark-fin fishing.

Can the blue whale kill the great white shark?

yes it can kill.

How can a shrimp kill the hammerhead shark?

with a gun........a big one

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How does a hammerhead shark live?

The hammerhead shark has to live in big groups of them, you would usually find them in the Australian seas at the bottom floating around waiting to kill their pray.

What can eat a great white shark?

A killer whale could, but they don't eat great white sharks they just kill them for sport.

Would a killer whale win a fight against a shark?

A killer whale would win all the way. The biggest specie of hammerhead shark the great hammerhead can measure up to 6.1 metres where as an adult male killer whale can measure from 6-9.7 metres so killer whales are usually bigger and packed with muscle. As well as this a killer whales are faster with a top speed of 35 mph whereas a hammerhead can swim at about 25mph also the killer whale can put a hammerhead shark into tonic immobility.

Can orca kill a great white shark?

No great white sharks eat killer whales.

What enemies does the hammerhead shark have?

Like any other shark, the hammerhead shark isn't really different. Hammerhead sharks enemies are many different thing, just like sharks if you bother a hammerhead shark the are mostly liking to attack you and for surfer the odd are very low. Like other sharks, the might think that the surf board is a seal, or any other small fish and for dolphins being a hammerhead shark enemie is very rare. So hammerhead really don't have any enemies