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Maybe it will die like in the middle of the night but I'm not sure, unless you punch some holes in the box and give its food, it might not die.


I supposed it could but it's more likely that by morning they will have chewed their way out of the box and gotten somewhere that you can't find them. They love to chew so that's like extending an invitation to them to chew their way out.

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They can gnaw at it but they can't live on it.

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Of course!

Just make sure that it doesnt have ink on it or it might be harmful to the ones who chew a lot. Id say to use toilet paper or paper towel rolls. Have fun! ;)

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Q: Can a hamster live in a cardboard box for a day?
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What are facts about the hamster?

one interesting fact about the hamster is that hamsters only live one month unless u kiss him evey day. one interesting fact about the hamster is that hamsters only live one month unless u kiss him evey day.

What stuff do hamsters like to do?

sleep all day for they are nocturnal. eat all night and run in their hamster wheel, if you dont get them a hamster wheel they will chew on their cage all night. or you can give them a cardboard tube, they'll happily chew that

Can a cow eat cardboard?

I saw one eating a cardboard box the other day. I'm not sure what nutrition they're getting out of that nor is it good for them. They must be hungry that they're just filling their stomachs with it.

What day of the year is hamster day?

Hamster day isn't an actual day; it is slang. According to Urban Dictionary, "[Hamster Day is] a day where you just keep going round and round like a hamster on a wheel.

Can a winter white hamster live in Jamaica?

yes. it eats Jamaican beacon all day long.

How do you tame and take care of your hamster?

Step 1 Look for the right hamster to buy. An ideal hamster is between 4 and 7 weeks old; hamsters are easier to tame when they're young. There are two types of hamster: the golden hamster and the Siberian or dwarf hamster. The golden hamster is available in a variety of colors and fur variations, while the smaller dwarf hamster comes in only a few colors. However, the big difference between the two is that dwarf hamsters do not tame well, while golden hamsters can become gentle, reliable pets. Step 2 When you bring home your hamster and supplies, place the cage in a location away from drafts, and out of direct sunlight. Pick a spot in the house where you will frequently visit your hamster. Step 3 Cover the cage floor with a 2 inch layer of bedding. Pine wood shavings are best, because they are absorbent and nontoxic. Step 4 Keep a filled, clean water bottle attached to the cage at a height where the spout is reachable by the hamster, but doesn't touch the bedding. if the bedding gets wet it can rot and cause your hamster to get sick. Wash and refill daily. Step 5 Provide plenty of chew toys. Hamsters love the cardboard tubes found inside rolls of toilet paper and paper towels. Attach hamster wood chews to the side of the cage. Step 6 Make a box for your hamster to sleep in. Cut a 2-inch doorway into a small, closed cardboard box. Place the box in a far corner of the cage. The hamster will fill the box with bedding and chewed-up pieces of cardboard from the toilet paper tubes and will use the box as a bedroom. He will not urinate in the box, so you can use it for many months before replacing it. Step 7 Feed your hamster a commercially prepared hamster-food mix once or twice a day. Supply a small amount of fresh fruits and vegetables year-round. When you introduce new foods, initially feed small portions so his system can get used to them. Step 8 Exercise your hamster by putting an exercise wheel in her cage. Let her exercise outside her cage inside a specially designed plastic hamster ball, available at pet stores. Close the doors to your bedroom, take her out of his cage, and let her run around in the hamster ball. Step 9 Wash your hamster's cage at least once a week. Remove the hamster to a safe location and dip the cage in water that has a few drops of household disinfectant added to it. Wipe out any debris, dry the inside and add clean bedding before replacing the hamster. Step 10 Remove any uneaten fruits and vegetables after two days. Fresh foods that turn moldy can make your hamster sick. Step 11 Don't bathe your hamster. Hamsters clean themselves. If you think your hamster smells bad, the odor is probably coming from dirty bedding. Clean the hamster cage more often. Step 12 Take your hamster with you or find someone to take care of him if you are going on vacation for more than three days.

How do you get your hamster pregnant?

First you must have: Two empty hamster cages A female hamster A male hamster A cardboard box Between the ages of about 4 and 12 months, your female hamster will have a 'day' every 4 days. When this happens she will go stiff and stick her tail in the air. If you want your hamster to be pregnant (she must be over the age of 4 months) put her in the cardboard box and let her get used to it. After a few minutes, put in your male hamster. The male hamster will probably go up to your female and try to clean her before clinging to her. If this doesn't happen wait a few minutes but if they are fighting take the hamsters out and try again some other day. If they start mating, leave them in there for half a hour or until your male loses interest in the female. Then put your hamsters back in its cage. You should be very careful when handling your female if you think she might be pregnant. Hamsters are pregnant for 16 days, then they give birth to 4 - 16 babies. When she has been pregnant for 10 days move your hamster to a cage without wide bars so the babies cannot escape when they are born. Stop handling her and leave her alone, she will build a nest. Give her cheese. Give her more cheese. The babies are very cute but don't touch them until they are 3 weeks old! Or the mummy might eat them! Sounds weird but my hamsters have eaten their babies sometimes because they think it won't survive :-( For more information email me: Kierra :-)

Do hamsters live in the forest?

Yes, hamster do live in the desert. They rum around in packs together looking for food and fun. Imagine walking through the desert, and a pack of hamsters come running up to you and stand on their feet staring at you. XD Have a nice day!

What are some social aspects of day of the dead?

the kids involved in day of the dead play "funeral" they use a doll as the corpse and a cardboard box shaped like a coffin/casket and they bury it in the ground its kinda wierd

Can a guinea pig live in a box?

In theory, a guinea pig can live weeks in a box with sufficient food and water, but in reality that would be neglecting it and you should only keep in in a cardboard for less than 24 hours. It needs to have exposure to light, air, and sufficient food and water. And... don't forget they love to chew, so your pig is likely to escape a cardboard box, possibly within hours.

How far can a hamster run in a hamster ball for a minute?

yes my hamster runs for about 20-25 minutes every day