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Let me answer that question with another question do you really want to take your hamsters intestines out? I thought not but if you do I guess you could get some pliers and pull them out.

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Q: Can a hamsters intestines come out?
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Where the heck do hamsters come from?

hamsters come from their mamma hamsters i should know i breed them

When do Syrian hamsters come out?

All types of hamsters are nocturnal, meaning they come out at night.

Is it safe for teddy bear hamsters to eat stuffing?

No, because it is bad for their bodies and it might get stuck in their intestines.

Where do fancy hamsters come from?

fancy hamsters are another name for cambells and they come from Europe

Do hamsters have ancestor?

No, hamsters do not have an ancestor. They do, however, have ancestors. Where else are they going to come from?

Where does a hamsters poop come out?

Out of his butt.

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What does a hamster come from?

Hamsters are rodents. Their cousins are rats and mice. Hamsters do come from the wild and became adapted to humans. I hope this helped!

Where do hamsers come from?

Hamsters origionally come from the Siberian desert.

What weather is it good to take your hamsters outside?

Sunset, in the wild hamsters usually come out at night.

Where on earth does hamsters lives?

They come from Brazil

Are there wild hamsters in Britain?

Around £10, that's how much I bought mine for.