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Q: Can a heat stroke lead to brain damage or even death?
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What is true about the blood in the carotid artery?

When blood flow to the brain is cut off, it causes a stroke. A stroke, in turn, can lead to brain damage, long-term disabilities, or even death.

What Four kinds of injuries that shaking a baby can cause?

brain damage, neck damage, broken bones and even death

What will happen if hind brain is bleeding?

stroke or even death... i think?

Is inhaling ether dangerous?

Yes. It can cause brain damage or even death.

What are the potential side effects of trepanation?

The potential side effects of alternative trepanation are severe, even life-threatening; they include permanent injury or death from infections, stroke , direct damage to brain tissue, generalized encephalitis, epilepsy, or brain abscesses.

What is the danger of inhailing ammonia fumes?

Inhailing ammonia fumes can cause brain damage, damage to the lungs, or even death.

What is the definition of a hemorrhagic stroke?

a type of stroke caused by blood leaking into or around the brain

How do you know when a seizure can be fatal?

Status Epilepticus - The term given to multiple seizures with little or no break between each one. A seizure is normally not fatal but in this case the brain is deprived of oxygen for too long and this can result in a stroke, irreparable brain damage and even death.

What are the effects of huffing during pregnancy?

Brain damage for you and the baby, even death. Stop being dumb.

What does a stroke do to your body?

A stroke actually does nothing to the body. It affects the brain by stopping blood flow from reaching areas of the brain. This can result in damage to nerve fibers and whole areas of the brain. If, as a result of stroke, there is damage to areas of the brain it may damage the ability of the brain to send messages to the body. Therefore, strokes can leave people with varying levels of disability. Damage to the right side of the brain will affect functioning on the left side of the body and vice versa. Additionally, language is primarily mediated by the left side of the brain. Therefore, someone who suffers a stroke on the left side of the brain may suffer from varying levels of language impairment. If someone suffers a stroke and loses the ability to control muscles, over time, lack of use of the muscles will result in atrophy. In this way strokes can have an indirect effect on more remote parts of the body.

Do kids have brain damage?

Kids and Brain DamageAnyone can have brain damage. even children. some can be unlucky.

Where is meninges found?

Meningitis is usually found near a person's brain and spinal chord. If not treated correctly, it could lead to permanent brain damage or even death.