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Q: Can a Hindu reincarnate as an animal or only as a human being?
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When people die do the turn into an animal?

In some cultures, the spirit of a human could possibly reincarnate into an animal, or appear in the form of an animal.

Is Brahma the Hindu god male or female?

brahama himself is male however has the potential to reincarnate as a female human. upon returning as a god he will be male again

Which religion focuesd on cycles of reincarnation?

hinduism , mainly focous on reincarnation. their actions in the current life will lead on to decide which form of living creature they reincarnate as , such as a animal or human.

How do you convert to Hindu as per Indian law?

being human,social,helpful,soulful............

When you die do you reincarnate as an animal or a plant?

Reincarnation is very much ideological in scriptures but is not supported by science. So it could be regarded as a belief of the school of psychology. Many religions such as Hinduism condemn human being reincarnated as plant or animal unless there is low grade penance committed by the human, while theory of balance of energy in Scientology which is a hybrid of laws of science with some advanced postulates of cosmos life supports that deforestation is leading to more humans being born.

What is the dangerous animal on earth?

Human being

The Hindu belief that human and animal spirits comeback to live many times in different forms is called?

Rebirth or Punarjanam

Who is the most famous Hindu?

It would be easy to answer the question who is the most famous human being rather than this question! I would say that the most famous human being is Rama the Great.

Are Hindus able to reincarnate into every kind of animal even animals that haven't been discovered yet?

Very profound question. Do Hindus really have the power to reincarnate into something that have not been discovered- notice the questions never says NOT EXIST, but NOT DISCOVERED. The answer, my ignorant friend is YES. Hindus can reincarnate into any form. ANY. This gives the western world more money to research and find answers to a question we Hindus create. Hindus never stop helping their fellow human beings, even after they leave the human form for spreading love in another world.

What is the most dangerous animal in the world that lives today?

humans, we have guns The Human Being The Human Being

What the example sentence of animal?

My animal instincts overcame my human logic. That animal is being stalked.

What animal feeds on lady finger plants?

human being and elephants