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Yes, it is possible to remove asbestos. It is also possible to encapsulate asbestos to render it less subject to damage and release. All of this depends on the regulations and laws in your particular state. Most states exempt a home owner, working on his own single-family home, from the asbestos removal regulations. This exemption sometimes applies to a home owner working on a two family building if the owner occupies one of the units. Unless the home owner is familiar with proper removal procedures, however, he would be well advised to contract with a qualified compny for the work, despite the cost. Contaminating one's home with asbestos, and the resulting clean-up costs (or health costs if the contamination is not recognized) is not usually seen as desireable.

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Q: Can a home owner remove asbestos from his home?
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Are there service providers that remove asbestos from your house?

Yes, there are many service providers in the Toronto area that remove asbestos from your home. One popular company is Toronto Asbestos Removal, Homestars Toronto, and ACM Asbestos Abatement.

Asbestos Removal?

form_title=Have Asbestos Removed form_header=Asbestos can be a danger if it becomes active in the home. Have it removed to ensure safety How old is the building?=_ Where in the house is asbestos?=_ Has anyone encountered health problems through contact with the asbestos in question?= () Yes () No

Safe, Professional Asbestos Removal?

Some states allow home owners to remove asbestos from their residence without the assistance of a professional. Due to the danger level in asbestos exposure the best action to take is to hire a professional who is skilled in asbestos removal. A professional will remove it all in a safe manner and dispose of the asbestos properly. Home improvement companies should ensure that they are well trained in asbestos removal to better keep the family safe. Continual exposure to asbestos in the home can lead to death and is a serious matter when discovered in a home.

How can I do asbestos removal?

The only true way to remove asbestos from your home is to call a profession that has a degree in air fibers. The thing you have to worry about is how long you have been exposed to asbestos. When you go in a house with asbestos you are supposed to ware a mask.

How can one get rid of asbestos in the shingles of their home?

NEVER attempt to remove asbestos yourself. It is fine until it is disturbed and so you should always contact a professional to fully remove it safely. Your council should be able to arrange this for you.

How is asbestos removed and is the asbestos harmful?

Asbestos can sometimes be left in place and there may be no need to remove it. If you do need to remove it, you need to consult a professional as fibers are released when asbestos is moved that are hazardous to health.

Can I remove asbestos from my garage myself?

It is recommended that you DO NOT remove asbestos yourself. Asbestos is poisonous and if not removed correctly you could do yourself much harm. Call a professional!

What You Need To Know About Asbestos Testing?

Asbestos testing is mandatory for anyone who is interested in purchasing an older home. Some older homes are known to have shingles that Asbestos. Asbestos is known to cause many serious health problems for individuals. Major breathing issues and cancer are the two major side effects of coming in contact with Asbestos. There are many private companies that specialize in Asbestos testing. These companies will also remove all portions of a home that is contaminated with Asbestos. It is vital for one to have an older home tested for Asbestos before making a final purchase. This simple step can preserve your health.

How do I know if I have asbestos tile in my home that I have to change?

I would contact a professional in this feild to test and see if you really have asbestos in your home. I am pretty sure it is highly recommended that it gets removed and the company who comes out to test it can suggust the best way to remove it.

Does home owner insurance policy cover asbestos removal?

It really depends on your insurance co., Auto Owners Ins. doesn't cover asbestos removal, just found out today after my aluminum siding was damaged in hail storm and seen that I had asbestos siding under it and said they don't cover it.

50 years on a garage roof white asbestos can we remove ourselves?

If you need to ask if you can remove asbestos, the answer is no. The act of removing the asbestos is easy. Since you have no idea how to protect yourself from the asbestos and to keep yourselves from getting lung cancer, you should hire an expert.

How do you remove vinyl flooring with asbestos?
