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Yes. A mare is female and a mustang is a wild horse, so they are not mutually exclusive.

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Q: Can a horse be both a mare and a mustang?
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Related questions

Which two breeds of horses on howrse can produce a mustang?

Any horse can at least that the stallion or the mare is a mustang, but both can be a mustang.

What are the uses of the Mustang Horse?

They can be used as anything from stud/brood mare to a show horse.

Is Rain from Spirit a paint horse?

Most likely not. Rain is thought to be a pinto mustang or Indian pony mare.

Which horse takes position of Point in a herd of mustangs?

The mare is lead of the mustang herd and the stallion is the follower. He is not a leader as many would think. On a National Geographic show with Pat Parelli they show the mustang mare lead the herd down a steep Hill.

What do you calle a female horse?

A female horse is called a Mare baby horse is called a Filly

What is female a horse called?

I'm gessing you mean what is a female horse called which the answer would a mare if not I'm sorry.There are a number of terms, depending on age:An adult female horse is called a mare. This is usually used for a female horse over 3 years of age.A young female horse is called a filly. This is typically used until the age of 3 or 4 years.Under a year, both males and females are also called foals.A mare which is used for breeding can also be called a "broodmare" or a "breeding mare."When a mare breeds, it is considered the foal's "Dam."A female horse can be a filly or mare, filly being a young female while mare is 5 years old and up.

Is mare the horse name for girl?

A mare is a female horse.

If you breed a mustang stallion and a paint mare what breed will the foal be?

It would simply be a paint/ mustang cross. There's no special name for it that I know of. Well I am answering this about the answer depends on the genetics of your mare. If you mare is 50 percent paint and 50 percent mustang or something else, who knows what the foal could be. If your mare is more something else or has an amount of mustang in her, the chances are you will get a mustang.

What do female horse mean?

mare Mare=Female Stallion=breedable male horse (stud) gelding= male horse that is fixed

If you cover your horse on howrse with a mare does the owner of the mare keep your horse?


Is a female horse called a dam or a mare?

Mare IS the correct English word for a female horse. A young mare - up to about 2 years old - is referred to as a filly. A male horse is a stallion. A young male horse is a colt. A male horse that has been castrated is a gelding.

Are mustangs male or female?

Mustang is just a horse breed or type. It includes (like all breeds) males and females.