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No, carrots are actually very sweet and should be considered as treats for horses. A horse on a diet should eat a limited number of carrots, even more limited than a normal horse.

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Q: Can a horse on a diet only be fed carrot?
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When a horse is on a diet the can only be fed carrots?

No. Who diets a horse on carrots?

What is the normal feed for a horse in Howrse?

Horses are fed hay and oats as a stable diet.

When horses are on a diet they can only be fed carrots?


Do horses eat hay?

Yes, hay is a staple of the domesticated horse's diet. Fed only on high quality hay, an average horse might eat about 50 pounds of hay per day.

Is lamb organic meat?

Only if the animal is fed an organic diet.

How do you use the word carrot in a sentence?

Example sentence - She fed the rabbits a carrot each day.

Is it true that when horses are on a diet they can only be fed carrots?

Absolutely not. A horse would most likely die from a diet of just carrots. Horses need forage (like grass or hay) daily to keep things flowing in their digestive tracks. Most if not all horses that aren't wild need a grain in their diet also for energy and weight. If a horse needs to be on a diet you simply cut their grain back

How many times should a horse be fed grain daily?

A horse should be fed mainly hay, and only a little little bit of grain a day.Try a cup or less of grain a day.

Can geckos eat ham?

No ! Geckos (and other reptiles) should ONLY be fed on their NATURAL diet !

Are dates harmful to horses?

No, that are perfectly safe. They can actually be great treats for horses. Most horses love dates, the only way that they could be harmful is if the horse is fed large amounts at one time and not fed dates anymore, then it could get colic(twisted gut) because of the sudden change in their diet.

What percentage of horses diet should be forage?

Horses should have a forage diet. mainly all of their diet should consist of hay, and grass. apples and carrots can be fed ocaisionaly. grains and supplements should be talked to a vet about, depending on your horse's conditions.

What does the tahki horse eat?

The Tahki or Przewalski's wild horse eats native grasses, shrubs and will dig for roots and minerals. In zoo's they are typically fed a diet of hay and possibly a pelleted vitamin and mineral ration.