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There'd be another word for it though.

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1mo ago

No, spaying is a term used for female animals to remove their reproductive organs. In humans, the equivalent procedure for females is called a hysterectomy.

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Can a squirrel be spayed?

Yes it can be spayed by an experienced veterinarian.

What is the word for a spayed rabbit?

A spayed rabbit. There is no term xD

What do you call an un spayed female cat?

Spayed female cats are called just that - spayed, or fixed, female cats.

Do spayed females have menses?

Spayed female cats and dogs do not menstruate.

Your dog was spayed today What can you give her for pain?

You should talk to the veterinarian who spayed your dog about pain medications for her. You can't give your dog human pain medications (Tylenol, Advil, Aleve, Motrin, aspirin, etc) because these are very toxic to dogs and could kill her.

Why is your cat in heat constantly?

Because she has not been spayed or impregnated. You need to have her spayed.

When can a rabbit be spayed?

Female rabbits can be spayed when they are about 6 to 7 months old.

Where can you get your guinea pig spayed?

You need to talk to a veterinarian to have your guinea pig spayed.

What is the difference between being spayed and neutered?

Females are spayed Males are neutered

Can a dog breed if she was already spayed?

Spayed females and neutered males cannot reproduce.

Can a dog be spayed after a year old?

Yes, even dogs that are older than a year can be spayed.

Which sex is spayed for?

Females are spayed. Males are neutered. A spay is the removal of the uterus and overies from the female.