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Mars is way to gassy for a human

Couple of reasons we cannot survive, Mars has a carbon dioxide atmosphere and no oxygen also Mars has no magnetic field so it has no protection from cosmic radiation a human would receive doses as high as 500 rads per hour (lethal dose)

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Q: Can a human survive on mars if not why?
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Can a human survive the climate of Mars?

No because they have no oxygen in mars

Can a human survive on mars why or why not?

no, because a human would suffocate and die of intense heat.

Can a human surivie in terms of weather on mars?

People cannot survive on mars because of the lack of oxyen and water.

How long can a human survive on mars?

i don't know try it yourself or go to a library of Mars.

Is it a safe place to live in mars?

Mars is no place for a human being. There is no breathable oxygen and no water, which are both things that humans need to survive.

Would a human suffocate on Mars?

Yes humans will suffocat on Mars. Human depend on Oxygen to breathe and without oxygen, we will die. Oxygen is present in th Earth's atmosphere and it is not on Mars. To survive on Mars, we need to use an astronaut's suit with oxygen support.

Is there any possibilities of surviving of a person in mars?

If you were to just put a person on Mars, then no. There is no oxygen on Mars, and oxygen is essential to human life. However, if there were buildings which could provide the oxygen, similar to a space station, and there is plenty of food, then yes it is possible for a human to survive on Mars.

Is it difficult for human beings to survive on Mars?

Yes, it would be difficult. You would have to be completely protected from the atmosphere all the time.

Will Mars ever be visited by human?

Probably, if we survive a climate disaster that threatens us if we continue to pollute the Earth at this pace.

Can plant can survive on planet Mars?

no there is no oxygen on mars and no water

Can insects survive on Mars?


What would a human need in order to survive in mars?

A totally enclosed and controlled environment, with sufficient food, water and air for the duration of the visit