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Q: Can a infected animal give you polio?
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What does polio infected or who becomes infected with the organism?


Who all have been benefited from post polio program?

Everyone who has been affected by polio have benefited from the post polio program. This includes the people who were infected by polio and the people who took care of them.

What disease did President Franklin D. Roosevelt become infected with in 1921?

Franklin Roosevelt contracted polio which left him paralyzed from the waist down. He had to have a wheelchair to get around after that.

When does polio happen?

The polio virus is often transmitted via fecal matter. It can also be transmitted through food or water or an infected person.

Where can you get polio?

Polio short for Poliomyelitis. The cause for Polio is by infection with a member of the genus Enterovirus known as Poliovirus. There are vaccines to help prevent this virus. you also can be born with this disease.

What percentage of those with polio virus develop the disease?

About 90% of people infected by poliovirus develop only a mild case or no illness at all. About 1% of all people infected with poliovirus develop the actual disease known as polio.

How polio is spread?

Polio is transmitted, most commonly, through fecal matter and saliva.

What not to do with a infected animal?

what not to do with infected animals

What type of disease is pollo?

Polio is a highly contagious viral infection. Polio can affect the spinal cord causing muscle weakness and paralysis. Polio is usually introduced through the mouth after touching stools of infected individuals.

Polio is a disease caused by a virus?

Polio is caused by an infection from the poliovirus. When a person is affected with it the virus resides in the intestinal tract and in the mucus in your nose and throat. It is usually spread through contact with the waste of an infected person. It is less frequently spread through contact with infected respiratory secretions - saliva.

Can dogs get rabies from the sun?

No. Rabies is caused by the rabies virus (it is therfore an infection), which is carried in the saliva of an infected animal. To become infected an animal needs to be bitten by an infected animal.

Why should parents give polio drops to their childrens?

All parents should have their children vaccinated for polio. Polio is a devastating disease, and there is no cure, but with the vaccination, it can be prevented.