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A cheetah is the fastest land animal on earth. The jaguar is fast too, but not as fast. The jaguar could keep up, but only for 1 or 2 minutes.

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Q: Can a jaguar try to keep up with a cheetah?
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Related questions

Is a cheetah or a jaguar the fastest animal?

The cheetah is the fastest animal on land, up to 120km/h.

Who is able to keep up with a racehorse's everymove?

A cheetah or another racehorse.

How fast can the cheetah?

Up to 70mph, but it can only keep that speed for about a minute.

Who would win a cheetah or a Jaguar?

They inhabit different continents.... In a paw-to-paw theoretical combat, the lion would win, but jaguars are way more arboreal and would only (theoretically) attack in ambush from a tree, thus taking the theoretical lion by surprise and winning that way.

What is the 3rd fastest big cat?

cheetahCheetahs are the fastest wild cat in the world, and also the fastest of all land animals too. They can run at about 70 mph, but only for about 200-300 yards (274 meters). Their long legs, small heads, and tails help them run fast and keep their balance while chasing speedy prey.

How is a cheetah adapted to its habitat?

A cheetah can run up to 75mph OMG A cheetah can run up to 75mph OMG

Are they making another Cheetah Girls 4?

sorry but no..... the cheatah girls broke up.... <3, Pinkmonkeylover2 KEEP ON ASKEN!

What will win a Jaguar or fox?

Okay im going to tell you the fight first.If a jaguar and a fox was to fight a fox would go up to a jaguar and the jaguar will just stay there and when the fox will try to battle the fox will put his paw up and the jaguar will keep staying there and the jaguar will strike by using its paw and teeth the fox will get a way by using its paw and hitting the jaguar with his paw and run but then the jaguar will run after the fox and bite and get a grip onto the fox and kill the fox and that will be the end of the battle so the jaguar will win always.!

Does a cheetah run faster then a jaguar?

Yes. The cheetah is the fastest land mammal in the world. The cheetah, can reach speeds of between 112 and 120 km/h in short bursts covering distances up to 500 m. It has the ability to accelerate from 0 to over 100 km/h in three seconds.

Can a wolf be faster than a cheetah?

Yea, I think that cheetah's are stronger then wolfs..Wolfs are okay, But cheetah's are fast, furious, And strong. But that's only my opinion..I think i would rather look it up on google or something. Okay well then bye :3

What is the average speed of the jaguar?

Jaguars do not depend on speed for hunting. Instead they ambush the prey. They are as fast lions and tigers at a top speed of 35 mph. The Cheetah has been known to reach up to 75 mph.

what does a cheetah look like up close?

The image above is of an adult cheetah.