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Yes. But normally such a judge, if he remembers you, will recuse himself from the case. The judge that signs a search warrant will not necessarily be the judge that tries you.

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Q: Can a judge that used to be your lawyer sign a search warrant against you?
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What if a search warrant wasn't dated when issued by the judge?

The date must be there on a search warrant, issued by a judge.

Does the judge have to use his seal when signing a search warrant?

do a jugde have to seal a search warrant

What is a Warrant-?

A warrant is an order from a judge to search for something or to arrest a person.

What kind of judge can sign a search warrant?

Yes the judge only signs in most of the caases

How do you go about stopping a warrant?

a lawyer petitions a judge for a rescendence or retraction

Does the day the judge signs the search warrant count?

Yes. In most places the search warrant is valid as soon as it is signed. Sometimes, law enforcement can be at your house, without a warrant, and they can enter and search your property based on a phone call, telling them the judge signed the warrant.

Is a search warrant vailid if not signed by a judge or magistrate?


Can a protem sign a search warrant?

No, a pro tem judge cannot sign a search warrant. Only a judge with the authority to issue search warrants can do so. A pro tem judge is a temporary substitute judge who fills in for a regular judge and has limited authority.

Who can authorize a legal search?

A legal search would be authorized by a search warrant, signed by a judge.

Who is the responsible for determining the existence of probable cause for the issuance of a warrant of arrest or search warrant?


Can a search warrant by issued by a local civil Supreme court?

ANY judge of ANY court can sign and authorize a search warrant.

What does law enforcement need to obtain a search warrant?

They must provide a judge with probable cause to do a search.