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Yes, any labour done can be charged regardless of the name of the person doing the labour, just because he didn't hire someone does not mean the work has no cost or value.

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Q: Can a landlord charge the tenant for cleaning an apartment if the landlord does the work himself?
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Can landlord prorate rent after moved out but still spending time cleaning?

Yes, the landlord can charge a prorated rent until you, your belongings, and cleaning supplies are physically out of the apartment and you've returned the key.

How much can a landlord charge for cleaning cost after the tenant moves?

If you paid a non-refundable cleaning fee, then, no.If you did not pay a non-refundable cleaning fee, then the landlord can charge you for cleaning of the apartment if it was left not as clean as when you moved in. Yes, Landlords are entitled to have the property returned in the same state as you got it. Always offer to pay towards it and remind them they can claim it against income. Remember - it is getting harder to get property and Landlord references are key!

Can a landlord charge for trash pickup in a 8 apartment complex?

This all depends on the laws of your state and the terms of the lease. The larger the apartment complex is, the likelier the landlord will have to pay for water, garbage, and sewer.

Can an apartment landlord in Texas charge fees not in lease such as paper billing and HOA fees?

It is unseemly that a landlord can charge a tenant for other than the items listed in the lease. You can pay them and take your landlord to landlord-tenant court for reimbursement, or you can approach a landlord-tenant advocacy to find the answer that you want.

Are apartments allowed to charge more than market price?

Unless the apartment is subsidized, the landlord can charge whatever someone will pay.

How much can a landlord charge a tenant to repaint an apartment after living in it for two years?

This all depends on the terms of your lease.

Can an apartment complex charge you more damage fees upon moving out after they have already charged a non refundable fee?

Yes, a landlord can charge you to repair any and all damage that you caused, even if you paid an applicaiton fee or cleaning fee, or even if the among of damage exceeds your security deposit.

Can a landlord charge for cat damage?

Yes, a landlord can charge for damages caused by a cat if they are beyond normal wear and tear. This can include scratches on furniture, soiled carpets, or other types of damage. The cost of repairs or cleaning can be deducted from the security deposit.

Can the landlord charge the tenant a fee for breaking the lease if the apartment is rented again in few days?

This depends upon whether that fee is quoted on your lease when you signed it. It is not there, then landlord cannot charge you because he rented the apartment quickly after you left. However he may be able to keep your security deposit if you broke your lease. If there was a lease, the terms are generally such that you are responsible for the rent for any month that the apartment is vacant from the time you vacate the apartment to the time the lease ends OR the apartment is rented out, whichever comes first. Since the landlord did not suffer any damage by breaking the lease - he rented out the unit just a few days that you left - there shouldn't really be any reason for him to charge a fee. But if that is stated on your lease then he has the right to do so.

Can a landlord charge you for cleaning if they did not require a cleaning deposit?

Yes, although a tenant is generally only required to leave the unit 'broom-clean'. If the unit required an unusual amount of cleaning, the tenant could be charged for that.

Can you charge roommate more for rent than the landlord?

No, as a roommate, you cannot charge your roommate more for rent than what the landlord has set. The rent amount is determined by the landlord or the lease agreement, and it is not within your rights to charge a higher amount without the landlord's permission.

Can a landlord raise the rent on a single unit but not the entire apartment complex?

Yes. No two apartments are exactly the same, so a landlord can charge whatever someone is willing to pay, which may be different for different units.