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Q: Can a lien be put on your spouse's vehicle if you do not own it and it is for a judgment again you and not your spouse?
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Should Spouses have the right to know aids test results?

yes because as you know aids is deadly and if they ever "do it" again they both catch it and it would be unfair to that spouse and would lead to divorces so yes

Can a creditor take a private pension of a spouse after death for repayment of debt?

In the event of your death whilst owing money to your creditor and when you leave an estate then the first thing to be sorted out from the estate are your debts which you owe at the time of your death and for the executor of your will to ensure that any monies owed to you by a third party is also collected in as your estate consists of your entire assests at the time of your death once all of your debts and monies owed to you are collected and paid out and what is left is then permitted and only then to be shared amongst the beneficiaries but your creditor is not permitted to take the private pension of your spouse in order to recover your debt unless your spouse also signed as the guarantor at the time the credit was was agreed and paid to you in which case a judgment must be granted by the court in their favour against your spouse before they are permitted to claim or to arrange deductions directly from your spouses private pension Or if you meant to ask if your spouses creditor is permitted to claim your spouses private pension upon theur death then again the answer is no as they get paid from the contents of your spouses estate before you or any beneficiaries are given your share and their estate consists of all of your spouses assets at the time of their death and a pension scheme is paid in installments weekly or monthly and therefore the money from their private pension does not count as part of their estate as the money in the pension is not yet at that point of the estate being worked out yet an asset nor part of the estate .

How do you get prejudice?

By passing judgment without knowledge of what your judging. But then again who are we to pass judgment?

How do people get spouses and children?

For spouses, people are "assigned" to each other. For children, they are once again "assigned" to their children - 1 boy 1 girl. Both you have to apply for.

Are spouses responsible for employee loans after their death?

In most cases a waiver has to be signed that states the spouse will not be responsible. This is especially true for credit cards. If you have signed a statement in contract that states in case of death... it depends on what it states; responsible or not responsible, again it is all in the fine print. There may be a waiver on a loan if the spouse had no knowledge of said loan if loan was signed into being prior to a wedding date.

How do you explain your feelings to a cheating spouse?

When your spouse has cheated on you they have broken the bond of trust, (not to mention the person's heart) that you both once had and this is extremely serious as it will take a long while before you can ever trust your spouse again. Let them know that! Tell your spouse what is in your heart and how you feel and both of you need to learn good communication skills in order to rectify problems in your marriage. It appears this has not been happening in your marriage. If there is no communication between spouses then one and the other do not know what the problems in the marriage are and thus, cheating may occur by one or both spouses. After explaining if your spouse appears not to understand or does not care to understand how you feel then ask them how they would feel if you had done the same thing to them. If they come back with a flippant answer such as 'Feel free to do so' then kick their butt out the door and separate for awhile to give both of you time to think things over and decide where you want your marriage to go or, if it's time for you to move on with your life without your spouse.

Is it possible to have a normal life again after a spouse has an affair?

It's possible with a serious comittment to change for the better. Conseling will help, and the cheating spouse better be prepared to have his/her behavior closely scrutinized until the faithful spouse feels secure again , no matter how long it takes.

How do you stop your spouses pain and to get them to give you another chance?

You should have thought of the pain you would inflict on your spouse before you took action. Once the bond of trust is broken it is difficult to get back. Communication is always the key and if this is the first time you have hurt your spouse then get together with him and talk things out and (listening to his side of things first) then you let him know how you felt at that time and that humans make mistakes, but can learn from them. Hopefully then he will be able to at least start over again and slowly over many months trust you once again.

Can you blame a wife for walking away if the spouse never kept his words to not cheat again?

No, no one could really blame a wife for walking away if the spouse never kept his words to not cheat again.

What is antonym of widow?

The antonym for the noun widow is wife or spouse. A widow is a widow as long as she remains unmarried; if she marries again, she is a wife and a spouse.

When will a prayer of judgment be dismissed?

After 3 years, it will not be in effect and you can use it again if needed.

If one spouse filed chapter 7 bankruptcy 10 years ago and the other spouse filed five years ago can you file again jointly?
