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Q: Can a man have second wife if first wife has separated?
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What is English of SAUTAN?

Second wife or Co-wife. If a man is married for a second time while he is still married to his first wife, his second wife becomes a 'sautan.' She also becomes a 'sautan' even if the man divorces his first wife.

What is the meaning of this quote 'many a man owns his success to his first wife and his his second wife his success'?

If the quote is, 'many a man owes his success to his first wife and his second wife to his success' the meaning is that while the first wife helps a man succeed, he may then tire of her and divorce her. His second wife is attracted by the trappings of wealth of the now-successful man while the first wife was attracted to the enduring qualities he had before his success.

Should a wives name be in parenthese after the man's first name?

No. by convention in English the Wife's name is separated from the husband's name by the term, and.

My man is separated and not divorced and I want to know why?

He is not ready to divorce his wife.

Is it ok to have an affair with a separated married man?

Afraid not, even if this married man is separated from his wife, his still married and having this huge problem. Do you think it will help if you have an affair with him, knowing the problem he have. A man who is separated means something is going on with his married life, and if you believe to everything he says because his wife kick him out, put your shoes on his wife's place and maybe you will feel how she feels. Don't let him con you, that's the reason why his separated.

If a married man marries here in America and his first wife sues him will his second wife be deported as well?

That depends. If he is still married to his first wife, then the second marriage would be considered invalid and her immigration status would be evaluated separately. If he is divorced from the first wife, then it would depend on the grounds of the suit.

Does man need first wifes permission to marry again?

No. However, mutual understanding is very important. The man taking a second wife has to be very honest and transparent in his intention and is important he carries his first wife along. But her express permission is not a pre-requisite to his taking a second wife. Allah knows better !

Can a married man who is separated from his wife for thirteen years remarry again?

No. "Separated" is not "divorced". The married man is still married and must obtain a legal dissolution of the marriage before he can remarry. In most places, marrying a second person while still married is called bigamy, and it is a crime.

Why would a man go back to his first wife after divorcing his second wife?

I think the answer is that he divorced his first wife because he felt too tied down and wasn't sure about the whole marriage thing, so he then went out and married again. While married the second time, he realized what a mistake he had made and went back to his first wife.

Should you date a man who is separated who is living at home with wife and child who is dating other women?


What if you are separated but live together but your wife dates another man?

If it matters, you probably shouldn't be seperated.