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Of course! Aren't we independant, talented creatures, able to think and function of our own accord? Aren't we human beinggs? Why then, must we be restricted to a stereotype? Are you implying that we are inferior? The whole point is that there must be equality amongst the genders! Yet some, like you, dare to suggest that we should be caged up, and that we are nothing without the presence of the opposite sex.

How dare you!

The irony is, that most modern feminists claim that females are the only undermined party. They boast about how equality is their only aim, but they still continue to abuse men and accuse ALL of them of being evil. Yes, I admit, there are some abusive males out there, but some of us genuinely care about EVERYONE. Why then, is it considered fair when feminists taunt the enire gender?

Of course males can survive without women, just as women can survive without men. It all depends on the person...

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Q: Can a man survive without a woman?
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The sentence can be punctuated differently to convey different meanings: A woman, without her man, is nothing. (emphasizes the necessity of a man) A woman: without her, man is nothing. (emphasizes the importance of women) A woman without her man is nothing. (implies a reliance on a man) A woman: without her, man is nothing. (emphasizes the idea of a woman's independence)

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about 4 days for a woman 4*2=8 so 8 days get it got it good


No relationship can survive without compromises. If you want your relationship with your partner to work, you and your partner have to make compromises at times.

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They can't survive without oxygen but they can survive with an oxygen mask that scuba divers use and with supply of oxygen of course .

How do you punctuate woman without her man would be nothing?

This is an oddly worded version of this sentence, but the common answers go something like this: Answer by men: Woman, without her man, would be nothing. Answer by women: Woman, without her man would be nothing.

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I knew a Tunisian man who was with a woman without marrying her. Then again, he is an atheist, and wasn't living in Tunisia anymore.

How many days can man survive without water?

2 days

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