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It is possible, however, it may be hard on her, carrying all that weight. Make sure to schedule regular check-ups so you can make sure she's healthy.

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Q: Can a mare carry a foal for more than 365 days?
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How long does a mare carry a foal?

Labor is rapid, often no more than 30 minutes, and from the time the feet of the foal appear to full delivery is often only about 15 to 20 minutes. Preparation and aftermath of the foaling might take a while, however.

What bedding should not be used for a pregnant mare?

I pulled this from the website in the related links: "Mares should foal on straw rather than bedding shavings. This is because the shavings can stick to the mare's vulva, and can be drawn in as the mare struggles to push the foal out. They can also adhere to the wet newborn foal and permit bacteria to enter the umbilicus more easily. Dry, clean straw is preferred, and the mare and foal can be switched to shavings a few days after birth."

Is the gestation period the same for colts and fillies?

It is. How long a mare carries a foal has more to do with her that the sex of the foal.

How long does a mare stay pregnant if it is her first?

All things being equal...good nutrition, and a pristine uterus in a mature, young mare lends itself to earlier foaling. Older virgin mares can be more problematic. A bred immature mare/filly can go longer. Generally a minimum of 310 days will result in a viable foal, if the pregnancy is normal (no infection, body pregnancy etc.) Nominal is 335-345 days... Mares can go a full year in foal under certain circumstances and produce a healthy foal. Plan for an early foal...first foal mares can foal without developing an udder...hope for around 335-345 days.

How soon to breed a mare after she delivers?

Technically, a mare can be bred again on her "foal heat". Her first "heat" cycle usually a few weeks after giving birth. For big breeding farms they do rebreed the mare at this time. For most backyard horse people this time comes and goes without notice. They are too busy playing with their new foal and its nice for the mare to recover from birthing. There is usually plenty of time to decide if you want to breed your mare again.

How soon can you tell if your mare is in foal?

if it's a first time mare she might start showing a week before the foal is born, but if the mare is seasoned, you will probably be able to tell 2 months before the foal is born. but if the mare is skinny you will be able to tell sooner.

What is the geststion period for a horse?

"Gestation" means length of pregnancy, or rather how long a female horse, being a mare, carries a foal, from conception (mating with stallion) to birth. Gestation for a horse is typically 310 days, which is generally considered the lowest number of days to produce a viable foal, without special care/veterinary treatment. However a mare can be pregnant up to 370 days...with 340-345 days the norm.

Can a 20 year old mare be bred to foal or is that to old?

That depend on the mare.... if she has had a foal before and is having regular cycles it might be OK. If she has never had a foal before its not a good idea. The mares uterus looses its elasticity when they get older. I know of lots of older mares that have had beautiful healthy foals..... but I know of even more old mares that will no longer get in foal. Its really up to your mare and your vet. Good Luck!

How soon can a broodmare be covered after foaling?

About 10 days after foaling, a mare will have a "foal heat". Although this is not a perfect time (because of decreased fertility and increased risk of early embryonic death) - this is the first time after foaling that a mare can be covered.

How long does it take to foal?

The average mare will be pregnant for 340 days, or about 11 to 12 months. But the average foaling time, or labor time, is usually no more than 30 minutes.

Want to terminate mare's pregnancy. Am told she can absorb her foal. How does this happen?

If the mare has been pregnant for less than 35 days the pregnancy can be terminated with the use of a single dose of prostiglandin. Essentially, this will disrupt the corpus luteum (primary producer of progesterone which maintains early pregnancy) and the mare will return to estrus in 5 to 7 days. The conceptus will pass out through the cervix during the heat cycle. If the mare is 35 plus days in foal multiple doses of prostin will be required and often these mares do not return to estrus due to the formation of endometrial cups even if the conceptus is aborted. Aborting a mare farther along in her pregnancy is more problematic but can still be done.

What does a mares do right before the birth of a foal?

Mares will tend to get antsy right before foaling (ie: a few days before) and they will drip milk from their udders. I've written an article about our mares during foaling @