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It takes the two people in the marriage to make it want to work. If you are willing and your partner isn't then your counselor is correct. Stats show that women are far more willing to seek out marriage counseling (along with their partner) to try to save their marriage, than males. Even if the male goes along with his spouse, he usually refuses to cooperate and will put the blame on his partner far quicker than himself, or, he just doesn't want to work on the marriage because he feels it's easier to move on, or, he may have a mistress. I was married before as well and even though my ex was a woman chaser, mental/physical abuser I gave it my best shot by making an appointment with a marriage counselor (my ex had promised to give it a go) but he didn't bother to turn up. I got the message loud and clear! Good luck Marcy

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Q: Can a marriage be saved if a counselor says it is unsalvageable?
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