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The parent without a custody order? If so, no, not without a court order to the contrary. If no custody order is in place, it depends on prevailing state law (or country if outside the USA) who has presumed custody, if joint custody is assumed in the absence of a court order, or other such specifications and based on the same, whether the custodial parent's permission, both parents' permissions and/or order of the court is required. At any rate, a minor may not make such a decision of their own volition....not in the United States anyway.

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Q: Can a minor leave one parent to live with the other parent if the courts have not awarded custody to this parent?
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Yes you will have to take the courts permission in writing.

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Can you leave the country if you sign over custody to your mother-in-law?

Yes, however there may be an issue of custody with the other parent.

Can a parent get custody of a child when that parent leaves the home and the child?

Yes, if the relationship breaks down and one leave they still have a chance for custody depending on the circumstances and how long they are gone etc.

Can a 17 year old leave home from legal parent home and go to other parent?

Not without permission of the parent with legal custody. Or they will need a court order.

If your were taken from your home by SRS and put into foster care but you weren't adjudicated can you get in trouble if you leave with your parent's permission if your parent still has full custody?

Your parent no longer has full custody, it was taken away, so you would be a runaway, and they would be harboring a runaway.

Can you leave home with your dad at 13?

If he is the one with primary custody or there's an agreement with your other parent, yes.

If One parent has full custody but child wants to live with noncustodial parent?

They recently changed the laws of custody, No one parent has full custody UNLESS they see the other parent as unstable and unfit. If the parent you want to live with has been deemed unfit as a parent then it will have to be taken to court or you can contact certain child organizations to give you more details about how to leave your current home and return to the home of an "unfit parent" However if one parent obtained full custody of the child and the other parent was not deemed unfit as a parent, you may still live with them because of the recent change in custody laws, stating no one parent can have full or primary custody. (in other words, if your mom has full custody and your dad has none ((Also assuming the father hasn't been charged with being a drug addict, alcoholic, or financially unstable etc.)) you may live with the father)

Does an unwed parent need permission from the other parent to leave state the state of Florida with a child?

That is dependent of custody orders, but even without, the other parent could file an injunction.

Can a parent loose parential rights if they leave the country?

That would be a decision of the courts and is dependent on the view of the judge.

Can you leave the country with your child if you are still married?

Unless the court has awarded the parent full legal and physical custody he or she cannot remove a minor child from his o or her current state of residency wihtout the written permission of the other parent. A passport will not be issued for a minor child unless both parents have submitted the required documentation/identification.

Can a custodial parent leave the state of North Dakota without the noncustodial parents permission?

No the custodial parent has to have either the courts permission or the non-custodians permission.