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Parents can give permission for a minor to temporarily (3 months or less) reside with another acceptable adult, a longer stay requires permission from the court to insure that authorities would not intervene. The parents would still be legally and financially responsible for the minor unless the court ruled otherwise. If there is "just cause" or the state of residency has the grounds and procedures for emancipation, the parent(s) and/or the 16-years-old can petition the court for an emancipation decree. All states have an established legal age that must be met; neither the minor, the parents or a legal guardian can circumvent the law and allow a minor to reside on their own w/o adult supervision or w/o being legally emancipated.

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18y ago
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9y ago

Moving out of a parents house at the age of 16 legally, depends on where the person resides. In most states, a child cannot legally move out of a parents home because they are not of the states age of majority. A child can move out at 16 if they are legally emancipated by the courts.

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15y ago

I dont noe about that but i dont think you should do that. i am also a teenager and if you go out on your own, dat dont mean your not gonna make it, but you're gonna lose alot of money. u alone depending on your self when you have family that could help you and take care of you. if its freedom you want, then ask for it from whomever you live with. dats the best thing. (in my opinion)

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18y ago

I believe that at 16yrs old you are not prepared to live by you're self, and you are underage nobody would rent an apartment to you.

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18y ago

Yes, but if the authorities find you they can take you back. But legally No, you can't.

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9y ago

Sixteen is not yet even close to the age of adulthood. You cannot move without parental permission.

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11y ago

Yes if you are emancipated by the court or through marriage. Otherwise you will need parental permission.

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14y ago

In the UK it is legal.

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Q: Can a minor move out at sixteen years old?
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Does a parent have to support a child of sixteen if they move out?

Yes, you are the parent and they are a minor until they reach 18 years old. You are still responsible for them.

What is the law in Utah for a minor to move out?

In Utah, a minor cannot move out without parental consent or being legally emancipated by the court. Emancipation requires the minor to demonstrate financial independence and the ability to live on their own.

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If you are eighteen years old and you are dating a sixteen year old is that legal in Florida?

Yes, the 16 year old is a minor and you are an adult at 18. It is illegal.

Can a sixteen year old move out at sixteen in Kentucky?

No, a sixteen year old can not legally move out on their own in Kentucky. Unless the sixteen year old is married or has parental permission they have to live with the parent until they are 18.

Can you move out at the age of 16 years old if your grandmother is 62 years old and has several health problems?

As you've asked the question, one has nothing to do with the other. However, the critical part of your question is whether a 16-year-old child can move out. Short answer, No, not legally. At sixteen, whether you like it or not, you are a minor. As a minor, you must be protected in the eyes of the law, and often that means from yourself. You as a minor, no matter how intelligent you might be, lack the knowledge or experience to care for yourself. So, you must be supervised, accompanied, cared for by an adult.

Can a sixteen year old legally move out in the state of ak?

Only if the sixteen year old is emancipated.

Can you move out at sixteen years old without the law being able to do anything about it in NC?

Not without your parents permission.

Can you move out at sixteen years old?

I guess it really depends on where you live, in Canada your parents can't legally stop you from moving out but I think they can in the States, not so sure on the one. But I know for sure that you can move out at sixteen in Canada.

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He is sixteen years old

Can a minor sixteen years of age move out and live on their own with parental consent as long as they prove they can provide for them self?

In some states, a 16-year-old may be able to move out with parental consent and show that they are capable of providing for themselves. However, laws vary by state, so it's important to check the specific legal requirements in the relevant jurisdiction. Additionally, it may be helpful for the minor to have a plan for where they will live, how they will support themselves financially, and how they will ensure their safety and well-being.