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Q: Can a mosquito cause cancer
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What mosquitoes cause Malaria?

People are infected by the bite of an infected female anopheles mosquito.

What can the Aedes mosquito cause?

Aedes mosquito is known for spreading malaria.

What Cause's yellow fever?

When you get bit by the mosquito that transmits it. (you can find this mosquito in the Amazon).

Can I get Ebola through a mosquito bite?

Mosquito bites can cause septicemia indirectly. A mosquito bite can cause malaria, which can quickly turn into sepsis. Sepsis is the body's often deadly response to infection or injury.

What are some harmful protists?

Plasmodium. Bring malaria through their mosquito vector. Giardia. Cause intestinal problems for dogs and sometimes humans. Trypanosoma. Causes sleeping sickness.It is very harmful protista beause it can cause cancer.

What are the places that cause mosquito breeding?


What are the symptoms the Aedes mosquito can cause?


Does mosquito bites cause dengue?


What does a mosquito cause?

mosquito cause dengue ,malaria,cholera,typhoid its is causing by mosquito breed on dirt and dirty dust bins from there they carry harm ful micro organisms when mosquito inject proboscis in our skin then he release some harm ful anti coagulating substance which allows mosquito to flow blood force fully and when mosquito go to other man the blood will be slow down you cause itching and swelling

Why female mosquito is more dangerous than male mosquito?

'cause females bite, but males don't.

Why is female mosquito more dangerous than male mosquito?

'cause females bite, but males don't.

Can mosquito's cause anemia?

Mosquitoes don't cause anaemia, but they do carry the malaria parasite which can cause anaemia. Therefore, if you are bitten by a mosquito that is carrying malaria and get infected, you may develop anaemia (with other symptoms of malaria).