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There isn't any proper way to answer this without first seeking legal help.But I am sure there are certain reasons for this to happen.

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Q: Can a mother keep a child from seeing the father if married?
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Can a married mother stop the father from seeing his child in Florida?

Not unless she has a court order.

Can the mother of a 2 month old baby keep the father from seeing the child if they have never been married when the father wants to support and help with care?

nope. if the father is indeed the biological father then he has rights that can not be taken away unless he willingly gives it up by sighning off his rights or it is cort ordered. but in no way can the mother of a child regardless of the age of the child keep the father from seeing his son/and of daughter.

If the mother and father of a child are married does the father have parental rights?

Yes, equal to the mother.

If a got married can the mother collect back child support from my father?

Marriage of the mother, father or child have no relationship to the collection of a debt.

If a father is not married to child's mother can the father change the child's last name to his?

Not unless he is the legal guardian.

Can a mother keep a child away from the father if they are still married?

No, if they are married they have equal custody.

If a father that is married to the mother of his child and is on the birth certificate can the mother take the child and move away without telling the father?

no see links below

Does a father still have to pay child support if he lives with the child's mother but are not married?


In Michigan if two people have a child together with no custody agreement can the mother take the child from the father?

Only in cases of illegitimate births. Well, the mother can take the child but she can't stop the child from seeing the father. the child deserves to see the father in their life. The father can also take the child back and the parents can share time with the child. Or the child can make his/her own decision to live with the mother or father.

Does the mother of a child in Florida have sole custody of a child if the father and the mother were not married until after that child was born?

Yes, only Arizona is different.

If the child does not have the fathers last name can the father change the childs last name?

If he is married to the child's mother the decision is theirs to make, but if he is not married to her the mother decides the child's last name.

The Child's mother dies grandma want custody of the child over the father who was married to the mother at the time of death but DNA says the father is not the biologicial father?

He can still gain custody as the presumptive father.