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You are asking a legal question that has many possible answers. In this state, marriage has nothing to do with it. Child support and visitation is treated about the same way for single people as divorced people. Other factors, however, matter. See a lawyer.

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Q: Can a mother keep a child from the father if not married?
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Can a mother keep a child away from the father if they are still married?

No, if they are married they have equal custody.

Can a mother keep a child away from the father if she is 16 and he is 22?

In most places, the father has just as much right to their child as the mother does, even if they were never married. If the mother wants to legally keep the child away, she will need to go through the family courts. In some states, if she tries to do this without a court order, she can be charged with interfering with child custody or other charges. If there are no solid reasons to keep the father away, the judge may not grant the mother's request.

Can the mother of a 2 month old baby keep the father from seeing the child if they have never been married when the father wants to support and help with care?

nope. if the father is indeed the biological father then he has rights that can not be taken away unless he willingly gives it up by sighning off his rights or it is cort ordered. but in no way can the mother of a child regardless of the age of the child keep the father from seeing his son/and of daughter.

Can a mother keep the baby from the father without going to court?

Generally, if the parents are unmarried, the mother has sole custody until the father establishes his paternity legally. Until then she can refuse visitation. However, when the father's paternity has been established he can request custody and/or a visitation schedule. He will also need to pay child support if the mother retains physical custody.A married mother cannot keep the child from the father without a court order to that effect.

How can a mother keep her child away from their father in Ohio?

Take him to court!

Can a mother keep a child from seeing the father if married?

There isn't any proper way to answer this without first seeking legal help.But I am sure there are certain reasons for this to happen.

What can an illegal father do if paying child support and mother does not let him see him on visitation days?

You have to keep paying child support. The visitation issue is separate and you should consider straightening out your legal status so that you can seek relief. If you were not married to the child's mother, your options are also limited.

Can a mother take her child from its father and keep it with her at her house if there is no residency order in place?

If the parents are married they both have equal right to the child unless one party gets temporary custody pending a divorce. If they are unmarried and have never been married the mother automatically has custody. The father would have to go to court to establish his paternity and petition for joint custody and visitations.

If mother have primary custody can she keep the child on the day the father is supposed to have the child?

No, that would be a violation of the court orders

What rights does the father have when the mother signs the child over to social service?

Social Services tries to keep families together. If the father is a fit parent, has a relationship with the child, and can provide for the needs of the child, social services would work with the parents to keep the child with the father.

If a father was not married the the mother but is on the birth certificate does he have the right to keep the child until court ordered visitation is set or will he get into trouble?

You have the right to return the child as agreed. This is not the time to prove yourself the better parent. Also, if the child is young, the mom is where it needs to be.

Can a father sign his rights over in the state of Florida if the mother is not married?

I don't see why the mother's marital status would be a barrier. However, keep in mind that signing over one's parental rights does not terminate a child support obligation.