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Your court order should state who is considered the "residential parent" if that is you, you can request through the court for adequate help with providing for the child(ren).

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Q: Can a mothet still get child support even if you have equal custody?
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Can dad change custody order to an equal shared parental responsibility and pay no child support?

The child support amount would depend on the difference in income. Even sole custody fathers are ordered to pay child support.

What happens if custody is split can he drop child support?

Child support is generally paid to the one who has the major part of the custody but when you split it more equal the one paying pays less since he then have the child more than earlier and therefor pay already while the child is in his custody. He has to apply for the child support to be reduced though based on the new custody agreement.

You signed joint custody papers with your ex and they say there is no child support but he doesnt get her for equal time as you He gets her on weekends Is there any way you can still get child support?

If joint custody papers were signed stating no child support and your ex has the child only on weekends, it may be difficult to receive child support. However, you can consult with a family law attorney to explore potential legal options based on your specific circumstances. They can provide guidance on how to proceed within the confines of the existing custody agreement.

What is shared legal custody mean?

Shared legal custody means that both parents have equal rights to make decisions regarding the child. One parent may have physical custody with the non-physical-custody parent paying child support.

Does a father in nc have to give back his child to the mother in sc if no court order custody is in place?

No, both parents have equal rights to the child. If the child is currently living with the father, then he has established temporary custody. A court will need to decide upon a formal custody and child support agreement.

Why do you still have to pay child support if you have equal custody of your daughter?

Child support is not based upon how custody is allocated. It is based upon who the child resides with the majority of the time. If the child resides with the mother most of the time, then the mother bears most of the expense of raising the child, therefore the non-present parent is required to pay support. If child resides an equal or almost equal amount of time with both parents, the court evaluates the income/assets of both parents and the needs of the child. The decision will then be made if the payment of child support is warranted, the amount, and which parent should be responsible for payment of such.

What if both parents have shared custody do you have to pay child support?

Child support laws vary from country to country, state to state etc. Quite often, even in a shared custody arrangement, the parent that earns more money may pay some child support to the other parent to equal out the living standards.

Do I lose custody of my child if I remarry my child's mother after having sole custody?

When married you have equal rights to the child.

Who pays child support if parents share custody of children?

The parent with physical custody receives child support from the other parent. If the parties have shared custody the court will use state guidelines to determine if someone pays child support and how much.

Can a father of a child file for joint custody to avoid child support?

There are two types of custody, legal and physical.With joint custody the child may dwell with the other parent for part of the time or with one parent all of the time with visitations for the other parent. It depends on the details and the state child support guidelines. If the child spends equal time living with each parent the child support obligations will be effected. However, it is unfair to disrupt a child's life simply to avoid paying child support. See related question link.There are two types of custody, legal and physical.With joint custody the child may dwell with the other parent for part of the time or with one parent all of the time with visitations for the other parent. It depends on the details and the state child support guidelines. If the child spends equal time living with each parent the child support obligations will be effected. However, it is unfair to disrupt a child's life simply to avoid paying child support. See related question link.There are two types of custody, legal and physical.With joint custody the child may dwell with the other parent for part of the time or with one parent all of the time with visitations for the other parent. It depends on the details and the state child support guidelines. If the child spends equal time living with each parent the child support obligations will be effected. However, it is unfair to disrupt a child's life simply to avoid paying child support. See related question link.There are two types of custody, legal and physical.With joint custody the child may dwell with the other parent for part of the time or with one parent all of the time with visitations for the other parent. It depends on the details and the state child support guidelines. If the child spends equal time living with each parent the child support obligations will be effected. However, it is unfair to disrupt a child's life simply to avoid paying child support. See related question link.

What is residential custody in Maryland?

"Sole" or "primary" residential custody can mean something very different to a particular parent. "Residential custody", also referred to as "physical custody", refers to where a child sleeps overnight. A parent has "residential custody" when their child sleeps at his/her house overnight, even though the child may have spent the entire day with the other parent. Residential custody should be thought of as a parenting plan agreed to by both parents, or imposed by a judge, which describes where a child sleeps. "Joint custody" is made up of two separate pieces: (1) a nearly equal division of residential custody, and (2) joint legal custody. The first piece, residential custody may, does not always, mean that a child spends equal overnights with both parents. Joint custody always does mean that the parent whom the child is with, has right and obligation to provide a home for that child and to make the day-to-day decisions that are necessary when the child is in his/her custody. The second piece, "joint legal custody", always does mean that both parents have the exact equal obligation and authority to make long range decisions about education, religious training, discipline, medical care, and other matters of major significance for a child's life and welfare. When parents have joint legal custody, neither parent's rights are superior to the other. "Shared custody" is a numerical analysis Maryland law uses only for child support purposes. Parents have "shared custody" when one of them has a child in his/her residential custody for 35% or more of the overnights in a 365 day period. When "shared custody" exists, the amount of child support paid is substantially reduced in most circumstances. The reasoning is that because the party who is required to pay child support has the child with them overnight frequently enough, that they are paying for more of the child's needs while in their own home. So they need not pay as much child support over to the other parent.

If parents have joint custody of a child is the mom entitled to child support?

In Wisconsin, it depends on who has physical placement of the child. It may also depend on who has the higher income of the both parents. It is possible that even with joint custody you will still have to pay child support to the other parent. Joint custody simply means both parents have equal rights in making decisions for the well-being of the minor child/children. The person with whom the child resides the majority of the time is the person who generally receives support to be used for the child's needs. If the time is equally divided the court will decide if and how any child support will be allocated, based upon income levels of the parents and the needs of the child.