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Child support laws vary from country to country, state to state etc. Quite often, even in a shared custody arrangement, the parent that earns more money may pay some child support to the other parent to equal out the living standards.

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Q: What if both parents have shared custody do you have to pay child support?
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Related questions

What is shared legal custody mean?

Shared legal custody means that both parents have equal rights to make decisions regarding the child. One parent may have physical custody with the non-physical-custody parent paying child support.

In California can a person receive child support if they have 50 50 custody?

Child support and custody are two different and only distantly related things. If there's a significant earnings disparity between the parents, it's very likely that a court could award child support to the lower income parent in a shared custody situation.

How do i receive child support from both parents?

Child support is not paid to the child. It would be payable to the person who currently has legal custody of the child or to the State if the State has custody.

Can the father collect child support if a 17 year old in a shared custody no child support situation chooses to live with him?

Yes, as long as the legal custody schedule is changed, child support can also be adjusted.

Can grandparents with temporary child custody get child support from parents in Ga?


Who is required to pay child support with shared custody?

whoever keeps the child the less amount of time

Does shared physical custody with grandparents affect child support paid to custodial parent?


Can dad change custody order to an equal shared parental responsibility and pay no child support?

The child support amount would depend on the difference in income. Even sole custody fathers are ordered to pay child support.

Can child support be waived if joint custody is awarded?

Yes, with equally shared custody and if the parties have similar incomes.Yes, with equally shared custody and if the parties have similar incomes.Yes, with equally shared custody and if the parties have similar incomes.Yes, with equally shared custody and if the parties have similar incomes.

Can A grandmother get child Support if parents rights were terminated?

Terminating parents rights does not mean they don't have to pay for their child. If you as the grandmother is the legal guardian and have custody you have to go to court to petition for child support. If you don't have legal custody you have to get it first.

How does joint custody affect child support in Georgia?

It depends on the type of joint custody. Custody is broken down into two subcategories- legal and physical. Legal custody is the ability to make decisions concerning the child and to act on the child's behalf. Physical custody is who the child lives with. Typically unless the child spends exactly 50 percent of the time with each parent, one parent is considered to have primary custody and the other parent to have secondary custody or visitation rights. Child support is based on who has primary physical custody, and that parent is typically awarded child support from the parent who has the child less since having the child more usually means that you provide for more of their needs as well.

How can the government pay your parents for child care?

If the grandparents have had custody the parents of the child have to pay them child support. If you by child care mean daycare that is also the parents who pay for that.