

Can a neutered cat send off a smell?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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15y ago

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Yes, he should also lose the urge to spray.

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no unless it pees or poos

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Q: Can a neutered cat send off a smell?
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Why is your male neutered cat is moaning at another cat?

Just warning it off its territory.

How do you get rid of the smell of cat wee?

spray a scented smell and hoover over it. You could try a concentrated disinfectant, Zoflora is pretty good. If you have a tom cat, you would probably be better off getting him neutered.

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a cat that has had it's bitys cut off so it can not have any more babies, an entire cat is the opposite a cat that has had it's bitys cut off so it can not have any more babies, an entire cat is the opposite

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No. Neutering consists of the removal of the reproductive organs (i.e. when the cat was neutered, his "junk" or a very large portion of it was cut off).

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Give the dog a bath.

Should I have my 1 year old cat neutered?

Yes. Male cats that are not neutered will spray and may run off for days looking for mates. It will also cut down on unspayed female cats having kittens.

How do you get cat urine off of uggs?

As a cat specialist, my best answer for this would be... Ewww throw it out, ain't no pair of uggs that's worth that kind of smell.

Is there a smell that will repel cats?

No they haven't made on because the cat will just lick it off and the cat will get sick.

Why would a cat lick perfume or lotion off of you?

Cat's like to lick and taste new things is one reason your cat would lick perfume or lotion off of you. They like nice smells.

What could make a cat put off a really bad odor?

if it isn't washed or sometimes the food that it is eating for example if your cat is on wet wood i could be giving the cat a bad smell :)

Can a sterile male cat still spray?

Yes, a neutered male can can indeed still spray, but as his hormones calm down he will be less likely inclined to spray as he will no longer be trying to attract females or enforcing his territory. It takes about six weeks for any residue hormones to completely filter out of the body. If the cat sprayed before he was neutered, you may have to train him out of it, even after the procedure, either because its a habit for him or he can still smell his urine. Although it is not common for a cat to carry on spraying, it can happen. Be sure to thoroughly clean any areas he used to spray to kill off any enzymes (this will attract him to the same spot again and again).

Why do cats smell citrus fruits?

The fact that cats hate the smell of citrus is well known. However, this doesn't apply to all cats, and some seem to be fascinated by the sharp smell. The strong, sharp smell citrus fruits give off may be the cause of a cat sniffing it at length; the cat sniffs the fruit carefully so not to hurt its nose.