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Q: Can a pacemaker defibrillator b reversed?
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What are the names of two devices that are inserted into the body to electrically shock the heart into regular rhythm?

Pacemaker Defibrillator

Is CPR performed any differently if patient has a defibrillator?

No, CPR isn't performed any differently if patient has a defibrillator.

Can you do CPR on a patient with a pacemaker with a built in defibrillator?

r u dumb?!

How does pacemaker help?

Most common use of a pacemaker is to have it help the heart keep its rhytm, but they can also be set up to act as a an integrated defibrillator to shock start the heart if it should stop.

Is an artificial pacemaker an implanted device that acts as an automatic defibrillator?

yes my gradpa has one and so yes it is

What are the main components of a implantable cardioverter-defibrillator?

Similar in structure to a pacemaker, an ICD has three main components: a generator, leads, and an electrode

What are the two approaches used to insert devises that electrically shock the heart into regular rhythm?

pacemaker, cardioverter-defibrillator

Which procedure cannot be used with pacemakers or metallic implants?

MRI is contra-indicated in the presence of a pacemaker, defibrillator, or other metallic implant.

What does a doctor do if the pacemaker is not functioning?

If your pacemakers are not functioning correctly, then a doctor will often use a defibrillator to shock them back into normal usage. Your pacemakers send electrical pulses to your cardiac muscles signaling them when it is time to contract. When these pacemakers (cells) are not functioning correctly, then the doctor will use the defibrillator to change their electrical currents, this way the pacemaker cells are fixed.

How do you fix cardiac arrhythmia?

If you are referring to atrial fibrillation, there are several medications used to prevent recurrence, or to control the heart rate. If you are referring to ventricular fibrillation, correction and prevention frequently requires the insertion of a defibrillator and possibly a pacemaker. If you are having frequent ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation, your heart is very damaged and a defibrillator/pacemaker may be the only way to prevent sudden death.

What ventricle is the pacemaker?

this is a particular setting on a pacemaker which essentially senses if the ventricle depolarises, if it does not the PM will activate it and ensure the heart carries on beating.Also:A demand pacemaker (there are several types) kicks in after your cardiac function varies outside a pre-set normal rate. It then brings your heartbeat into a more efficient rhythm. (Sinus-rhythm.)A demand pacemaker does not take the place of an implanted defibrillator! If a genuinely life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia develops, it takes a defibrillator -- an implanted one or an external unit used by someone trained to respond -- to correct ventricular fibrillation. If it is not corrected, v-fib is fatal.

If the patient is returned to the operating room for repositioning or replacement of the pacemaker or cardiverter-defibrillator during the global period what would be appended to the code?

Modifier -26 for professional component