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Q: Can a panda bear hamster have kids with another kind of hamster?
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If a panda bear walked into a restaurant?

Most people would scream and stand up on tables and chairs. Little kids would be pointing at it saying, "Look Mommy! A panda bear!"

What is a closure for a giant panda story?

the panda found another panda and had kids and lived happily ever not... the panda gets sent to zoo to be showcased the end

Is a teddy bear hamster a dwarf?

definitley syrian. they live longer and are waaay less wild then dwarf hamsters. the dwarfs we used to have batted bit and were wild. the syrians and teddy bear hamsters we had were calm and easy to take care of. First time owner: don't hold your hamster for the first couple of days or they may get wet tail :)

Plus how much is a panda bear hamster?

Panda hamsters are a black and white coloured form of Syrian hamster. They are called such because they resembled tiny panda bears. They can be very friendly and affectionate little pets when treated with the right amount of love, care and patience. As with any hamster or any animal for that matter, it is important to socialise them with people from a young age.

What are the negatives to owning a teddy bear hamster?

Some negative things to owning a Teddy Bear Hamster is that they can bite and it does hurt, also all living thing excrete so you do have clean up after it and finally they are a lot of responsibility, but the biggest negative thing about owning a Teddy Bear Hamster is that like all living things it will die, and how sad do you think you or your kids will be when your little buddy dies ( I know that when my hamsters die I am extremely sad) so just keep this information in mind when getting a Teddy Bear Hamster.

What is the best pet for a 9 year old?

I suggest something from a hamster to a dog... It depends on the kid and what pet you would want in your house. I think a hamster because they are a good size for kids (You may want to watch your kids when they hold it... they jump) but not a dwarf hamster.. Teddy bear hamsters are great pets. Guinea pigs and rabbits are also great if you want something smaller than a dog

What hamster is the best for kids?

The hamster breed that is best with children is probably a golden bear hamster. Sometimes called the "Teddy Bear Hamster." You should Google Search Images of the Golden Bear Hamster.

Can a giant panda protect its kids?

the giant panda canjump mon other animals, if the prey is not larger.

Can a female hamster and a male hamster live together?

to tell you hamsters only like each other when they want to have kids

What kids show had a bear in a bathrobe?

Bear In The Big Blue House

Which movie you would rate the most....Kung Fu panda or the dark knight?

For kids, Kung Fu Panda...for adults The Dark Knight.

What was the first kids in the woods horror movie?

moo moo and bear bear