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Q: Can a parent ever be exactly twice as old as his or her child?
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Can a parent ever be twice as old as his or her child?


Can a custodial parent remove a child abroad although child has ever weekend with the other parent?


Is it child abuse if a parent said his child could choose what ever he wants and the parent does not let him go to the school he wants to go to?

Depends if the parent has said that the child can choose what he wants, if the parent has then it is recommended that the child is given the choice of the school that they get to go to

Can a parent move out of state with minor child even if the other parent does not live in the state?

Well, if court says your child does not have to ever see the other parent then yes. But if not then no.

Can a step parent be required to pay child support for a non biological child in Washington state?

No not in any way.How ever if you go to and to child support you will find that the step parent IS responsible for the stepchildren so long as the step parent is married to the biological parent

Does the parent who has custody ever have to pay the noncustodial parent support?

Alimony to the non-custodial parent may still be ordered; depends on the circumstances. Child support payments are based on both the needs of the child and the ability of the parent to provide them.

Should the medical assistant ever disruptive child in the medical office why or why not?

It is best to ask the parent to control the child.

What if you filed for child support but now have found the parent and child is an adult can you still collect?

When did you file? Was it ever heard in court? How old is your child?

Should the medical assistant ever discipline a disruptive child in the medical office Why or why not?

It is best to ask the parent to control the child.

Can a child sue a parent for negligence in Dominican Republic?

Yes. But it is very unlikely to happen because of the culture. A Dominican child wouldn't ever think of suing their parent for something like this.

When is it considered abandonment for a non custodial parent who pays child support but hasn't seen the child in 4 years in the state of florida?

In the US at least, child support and visitation are independant. A parent is still liable for child support all the way until the child reaches the age of majority, even if the parent has no intention of ever seeing the child.

Can parental rights be terminated if the parent is deported?

Yes, they can be terminated. Because if the parent is deported then the sysem will not take the child all the way where ever they are.