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Q: Can a parent give custody to anothe r person if defax places them some where else under a safety plan?
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An unmarried couple has a child and on parent dies who gets custody?

In most places the surviving parent will automatically be considered to have custody. If there is a reason that this should not happen, the court will appoint a guardian. Others could petition the probate court for custody.

What is possessory custody?

Possessory custody or possessory conservator refers to the person in a custody order who does not have the child/children living with them the majority of the time. A person with possessory custody has the right to possession at certain times and places accompanied by certain rights and obligations.

Can partial custody parent move?

Depends on where you live. In most places, no, not without permission from the other parent, the court and/or a custody modification order has been filed and accepted. Some states will allow you to move as long as you don't take the child, but support may be modified due to the increased parenting time of the custodial parent.

Can you explain first right of refusal in a custody situation?

This addresses the requirement that before a parent places the child in the care of another person, such as a babysitter, he/she must first determine if the other parent can take the child. This is often opposed by women's groups who state that only abusive men ask for this requirement as a means to further harm the mother.

Can a minor get married without the consent of one parent but with the consent of the other?

In the case of the marriage of a minor, both parents must attend in person and sign their consent if the parents are married. If the parents are not married only one parent has sole custody that parent must attend in person and sign their consent. In the case of joint legal custody both must consent.

Can a father pick up a child from the babysitter without mothers permission?

If you do not have any custody papers that state specific visitation, then yes he can in most states. If there are no court orders, in most places he has the same rights you do. If you have papers saying that he can only have the child on certain days or times, and he is outside of that regulation, he may be interfering with child custody.

Is the parent club be nice places?


In Georgia where can your 16-year-old daughter and her 20-year-old military fiance get married with parental consent?

Check with two places. Your county court house and his military branch. I dont know if they can marry just yet because she is a minor, as far as the military is concerned. * Any place within the state as long as both parents consent to the marriage. If one parent holds sole legal custody then the consent of the non custodial parent is not required. The parent giving consent must present proof of sole custody at the time of the license application.

How old do you have to be 4 a tongue piercing?

A lot of places require you to be 16 with a parent. Other places say 13 with a parent. Call the shop and ask.

How old do have do have to be get your ears pierced?

it varies in different parts of the world. But in most places you can be 18 without a parent, and any younger with a parent.

Do you have to have a parent homeschool you?

No. In most places the actual parent does not have to be the teacher, although the parent must approve of and provide the teacher, which may be a friend, family member, tutor, online program, etc.

Can a minor be in a nightclub with a parent?

That is going to depend on the laws in the location of the nightclub. In many places it is allowed if the parent is with them. There are some that do not allow minors regardless of who they are with.