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Rights or custody? A parent can always petition the court for termination of their parental rights and such a petition may or may not be granted depending on the circumstances. However such a termination does not end child support obligations. You may also petition the court to transfer custody or assign guardianship of a child to another individual. Whether or not this would be granted is up to the court hearing the case, whether or not there are any biological relatives willing to assume custody/guardianship and whether or not the person you choose would act in the best interests of the child (in the court's opinion).

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Q: Can a parent give up rights to a child to a non relative in Ohio?
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Why does a parent in Ohio juvenile court who was found unfit still have visitation rights?

Often, just because a person is deemed unfit to parent, it doesn't mean they have no right to visit the child. The courts usually won't forbid a parent to have visitation rights, unless the parent has been proven to be physically harmful to the child. However, there are times when, if the court finds the parent's intentions towards the child 'suspect', but with no proof, they may allow only supervised visitation with the child. This means the parent can visit the child, but only with an approved adult present, such as another adult relative, or even a social worker.

In Ohio does a father have parental rights if he does not pay child support?

Yes, the right of a parent to be in his or her child's life has nothing to with whether or not he or she is paying child support. The court sees them as two entirely different issues.

Does an unwed mother need permission from the other parent to leave state of Ohio?

if her child's father doesn't have any custady rights, no she doesn't

Can a father terminate his rights in Ohio?

In general, parental rights are terminated either preparatory to an adoption, or after a trial in which it is determined that the parent is unfit. In any case, termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

Can a non-custodial parent in Ohio get custody of their child in Nevada?

Situation: Custodial parent and child live in Nevada, non-custodial parent lives in Ohio. Possibly, but you would probably have to petition a court in Nevada.

Can a noncustodial parent take a child out of the state of Ohio to the state of Michigan and be legally granted full custody of a child without the custodial parent being notified?

No, and you would be breaking a ton of laws as you have to get custody rights first, and have the other parent either stripped of their rights or they have denounced their rights. Otherwise, a judge is definitely going to send you to jail for kidnapping and will just as likely deny any appeal for custody.

In state of Ohio can a minor child sue own parent?

No, a minor can not sue their own parent in the state of Iowa. A child can file for emancipation from a parent in the state.

How does a mother terminate her parental rights in Ohio to the birth father?

In general, parental rights are terminated either preparatory to an adoption, or after a trial in which it is determined that the parent is unfit. In any case, termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

Can you voluntarily terminate your parental rights in Ohio?

Ohio has laws that allow the a parent to file a Termination of Parental Rights petition. Whether that petition is granted and to what extent is decided by the court based on the individual case circumstances. The voluntary relinquishment of parental rights is generally granted to allow a child/children to be a candidate for adoption. The court will not grant a TPR when its sole purpose is for a parent to escape financial obligations to their minor children.

What child support law would apply if the noncustodial parent is in Ohio and the child was born out of wedlock in the Philippines?

Ohio has jurisdiction over the non-custodian parent. The Philippines has no jurisdiction over the non custodian parent and as far as I know the Philippines has no jurisdiction out side of their county.

How long is considered abandonment in Ohio?

In Ohio it is considered abandonment if a child is neglected or suffers physical or mental injury by a parent. It is also abandonment if a parent leaves their child for any period of time without any support, money, or communication.

What rights does a boyfriend have in the state of Ohio concerning custody of a minor child who is not his?

None. The boyfriend has no legal rights whatsoever.