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no you cant you need there premission

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Q: Can a parent take a child somewhere overnight without the other parents permission?
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Can the mechanic hold you car overnight without permission?

Only if you don't pay.

In the state of Florida can a minor marry if pregnant without permission from her parents?

Pregnant without permission or marriage without permission? That's not very specific.

Can a 16 year old move in with a relative without parents permission in NY state?

Not without the permission of their parents. Until they reach 18 in New York, the parents are responsible for him.

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you have to be 14, in order to get it done without parents permission.

What age in new Zealand can you leave school without parents permission?

16 is the age in New Zealand that you can leave school without the permission of your parents.

What age you can get married?

In the United States, 16 with your parents permission. And 17 and older without your parents permission.

Can you move out of your mothers house legally without being considered a runaway?

In most places, you can move out of your mother's house legally if you are at least the age of majority (usually 18) or have been emancipated by a court. If you are under the age of majority, you may need to get her permission or involve the legal system to establish your ability to live independently. It's best to research the laws in your specific area to understand your rights and responsibilities.

Would you go on holiday without your parents permission if you were 18 and lived with them?

At 18 you are an adult and do not need parents permission for ANYTHING.

Can a sixteen year old move out of parents legally without parents permission in Michigan?

No, only someone "of age" (18 years) can live without parental permission, If they do the parents can be charged with abuse.

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How old do you have to be to move out without a parents permission?


How do you move out at 16 without emancipation?

It is generally not legally possible to move out at 16 without parental consent or court-emancipation. It's important to consider your safety and well-being when making decisions about moving out at a young age. It's recommended to speak with a trusted adult, such as a teacher or counselor, to explore your options and seek guidance.