

Can a pastor question your tithe?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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First of all in order for a pastor to question your tithes, the Pastor has to know how much you make.

If the Pastor thinks that the member is not giving the proper amount in tithes, then the Pastor and the member could sit down together so that the Pastor could explain about Tithing and what percentage should be given to the church and not to the pastor.

Also, the Pastor has to take into account that the member could be working on commission or getting social security, unemployment or some other income therefore the tithing amounts could change each time.

They can certainly challenge you on your tithe if they feel that's the right thing to do. They cannot do anything about it if you state that you are giving what you feel is right.

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As tithe is not a person, you can only give it to god or the church.

In the context of france what was 'Tithe'?

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Did Melchizedek received a tithe from David?

No Melchizedek did not receive a tithe from David.