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Q: Can a penguin live in both water and land?
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Who are the birds which live on land and not on tree and water?

A chicken and a penguin

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they can live in both land and water

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Can live on land or in a water?

amphibians can live in both water and land because their body can survive in both water and land. E.G- penguins

What lives both in water and on land?

Amphibians live both in water and on land.

Does a crocodile live on water or land?

both land and water

Does a crocodile live on land or in water?

both land and water

Do birds live on land?

all birds live on land and in water, take a seagull for example. It lives on both! and a penguin lives on both and then there is a duck, ducks stay close to the water all the times so they live in water, and then a sparrow that lives on land and near water (some do) so there you have it, some live on land some water some both!

What animals are with fur live in water and on land?

Beavers live on both land and water.

Do amphibians live on water or the ground?

They live on both land and water.

Is frog live in water or ground?

they live on both land and water but mostly water very rarely land

What live both on water and land?

Amphibians live on both land and water. The examples are frog, toads, Salamanders and Newts etc. Some reptiles like alligators and crocodiles also live on land and in the water.