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No pink eye can not evolve into strep throat unless you pock there eye and put your finger in your mouth.

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Q: Can a person get strep throat from another person having pink eye?
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Related questions

How can a person get strep throat from another person?

Strep throat is acquired through coughing, sneezing or shaking hands with a person who has the infection. Strep throat is a highly contagious infection.

Do having tonsils decrease the chances of getting strep throat?

No. It does not decrease the chances of strep throat.

Can you run a day after having strep throat?


How do people develop strep throat?

A person has to come in contact with the streptococcus bacteria, usually by kissing, sharing straws/drinks or other utencils, or by having sexual contact with a person infected with the strep bacteria.

How is strep throat transmitted to others?

Basically strep throat is transmitted by contact with the bodily fluids (mucus, wounds) of a person infected.

What can cause recurring strep throat in a person with no tonsils?

Unfortuntely tonsils do have the possibility of growing back, but strep affects the tonsils AND throat.

Can you exercise when you have strep throat?

Sure you can kiss if you have strep throat ,but strep is a bacterial infection and the infection can be passed on to the person you are kissing, who may also develop strep throat. It would be best to avoid kissing until the strep is treated and resolved.

How soon do the symptoms of strep throat appear?

Strep Throat is a bacterial disease while Chicken Pox is a viral infection. I'm not sure but I believe viruses have the incubation period, while the bacteria infects the person immediately and starts doing damage. I think you can spread Strep Throat by kissing or getting sputum (spit) in the eyes, nose or mouth of another person. Strep Throat is related to the "Flesh-eating disease" so go see a doctor and look for symptoms in persons that you have been in close contact with.

Can you get strep if you drink off the person a week before they got strep throat?

Most probably, not.

When should you change your toothbrush after having strep throat?

24 hours

How do you know if you swallowed strep throat bacteria?

if you get strep throat then you probably swallowed the strep throat bacteria

Can you get strep throat after 65?

One can catch strep throat at any age.