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Unfortuntely tonsils do have the possibility of growing back, but strep affects the tonsils AND throat.

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Q: What can cause recurring strep throat in a person with no tonsils?
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What can cause a person to lose their tonsils?

The most common way a person loses his/her tonsils is through tonsillectomy; a surgical removal of the tonsils.

Is tonsollitis infectious?

Tonsillitis is an infection of the tonsils, including strep throat. It may or may not be contagious, depending on the cause of the infection.

Does circumcision cause tonsils?

No. circumcision is the removal of foreskin from the penis, which is in a completely different part of the body than the tonsils, which are located in the throat. Every human being has tonsils, which is a natural part of the human body so it is TONSILITIS that I believe is being referred to here, which is an inflammation of the tonsils and no, removing the foreskin of the penis does not cause tonsil issues of any kind.

What could be wrong if you keep coughing but you don't have a cold and you just got your tonsils out?

Any irritation to the throat, bronchial tubes or lungs can cause a cough. Having your tonsils removed definitely irritates your throat and can cause a cough. However, to know for sure what is causing the cough and to find out if the cough could cause a problem after the recent tonsillectomy (such as trigger bleeding), it would be good to contact the surgeon who removed your tonsils and report the cough for them to determine what, if any, treatment you may need.

Can strep throat cause an earache?

Yes, as the pain from the throat and/or tonsils can be referred to the ear, or the ear itself can become infected along with the throat infection caused by strep. Swelling in the Eustachian tube between the middle ear and throat can cause fluid and pressure to build up in the middle ear causing pain as well.

Do your tonsils get swollen if you have mono?

No, your lymph nodes swell and cause the glands in your throat to swell also. And in most cases there are little white spots where it's swollen.

What are pitted tonsils?

They could be cryptic and can cause major problems if that is the case. See an Eye Ear Nose and Throat specialist, as they may need to be surgically removed.

How is OMD prevented?

In cases where the cause is evident, such as allergies or enlarged tonsils, a person should first remedy that problem; perhaps have the tonsils removed and treat allergies with medication.

Do tonsils cause diseases?

Tonsils do not cause diseases.They help prevent certain illnesses. Yours Truly, cmf3225

If you have red blotchy skin a severe sore throat headaches sore ears and a bad cough do you have tonsillitis?

Tonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils. The symptoms you describe are consistent with a cold, which may cause inflammation of the tonsils. See your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

Is it possible to get strep throat without tonsils?

Yes you can. My tonsils were removes when I was 5. I'm 17 now and got strep throat for the first time since, I thought it was impossible cause ny brother used to be a strep carrier until his tonsils were removed and I never got it. But I work at an aftercare and I got it. It's like hell.

What are some strep throat symptoms?

Characteristics of strep throat include a severe sore throat that may cause pain or difficulty swallowing. The back of the throat is usually very red and there may be white patches in the back of the throat or on the tonsils.