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Yes they can. Sometimes they're good, sometimes bad.

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Q: Can a person have more than one spiritual gift?
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Can a gift card be used more than one person?

yes you can

How do you know if you have a supernatural spiritual gift from God?

A:If you have a supernatural spiritual gift you will be able to perform indisputable miracles. This could include levitating heavy objects from a distance, although God would only want you to do this to reassure yourself and friends that you really have the gift. More importantly, you will be able to cure the chronically and acutely ill, to the absolute amazement of doctors. Not just minor or apparent cures of of vague symptoms, but real and immediate cures of painful, debilitating or life-threatening illnesses. Be careful, because anything less than this is more likely to be self-delusion than a supernatural spiritual gift from God.

Who has to file a gift tax return?

A person making a gift that is more than their annual exclusion must file the Form 709 and pay the necessary taxes on the non-exempt gift.

Is the physical world more or less than real than spiritual or psychological world?

The physical world if more real than a spiritual or psychological world.

Do people like receiving gourmet gifts, or should I buy a gift card?

A gourmet gift is more personal and require more thought than a gift card. If you know the person well enough to place liked items in the basket,I would choose that over a gift card.

What is the best gift your boyfriend has ever got you?

I've never had a boyfriend, but there are more than one person answering the question. I imagine the best gift that any partner can give another is the one they treasure the most and that will vary from person to person. Answer Himself. ;-)

What are the way to become socialy healthy?

Health, refers to more than just a person's physical status, but also to their emotional, spiritual, and mental.

When giving a car as a gift what taxes does the person receiving the gift have to pay in Arkansas?

If it is valued at under $11,000 then you dont have to. If it is more than that - either say it is valued under $11,000 or you will have to pay tax - but it is not the person that receives it that pays the tax it is the person giving it away.

Is it allright to be more spiritual than religious?


Which among Hinduism and Buddhism is more spiritual?

No one religion is more spiritual than another. It depends on each individual practitioner.

What does it mean to envy the spiritual good of another?

Roman Catholic AnswerTo envy the spiritual good of another is one of the unforgivable sins, the sins against the Holy Spirit. The explanation is taken from the web site below:Clarification: Regarding the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians states, "All these are activated by one and the same Spirit, who allots to each one individually as the Spirit chooses." To envy the spiritual good of another is to question the Divine judgment of the Holy Spirit in His distribution of spiritual gifts. It is to be jealous of another person who has a gift different than ones own gift. Through envy, one rejects the gift that he has received from the Holy Spirit, determining in his own mind that the gift he has received is not good enough for him and he wants someone else's gift.)

Does edward have more than one gift?

no he does not