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The physical world if more real than a spiritual or psychological world.

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Q: Is the physical world more or less than real than spiritual or psychological world?
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Can marijuana cause a physical dependence?

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It is difficult to directly compare rates of psychological disorders between now and 50-100 years ago due to changes in diagnostic criteria and awareness. However, increased stressors in modern life such as technology, societal pressures, and environmental factors may contribute to higher rates of psychological disorders today. Additionally, improved awareness and diagnosis may also play a role in apparent increases.

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This is called adaptability. Being adaptable means that something is easily changed, and children are often adaptable simply because they are young and have less experience with a routine, and less of an expectation of what normal is.

Does the materialist argument hold up?

One AnswerThe answer to this question is "no". Another AnswerThe answer is "yes". There is no proof that anything spiritual exists, and the existence, beauty and order of the world require no creator and no spiritual beings. It may be less romantic but everything that exists is material.

Did desiderius Erasmus described leadership of the pope as more spiritual and less political?

Desiderius Erasmus described the leadership of the pope as more spiritual and less political. The Pontiff is to be the voice of God on Earth, free from political motives, ruling on strictly spiritual matters.

Is Christian spirituality more or less important than Indian spirituality?

That depends on that persons values, if he believes that he can pray to animals and that they are gods to be worshiped, I don't think I'd want to argue the point of spiritually with him. But remember Satan is also of the spirit world and is a spiritual being and commands spiritual power.

Is there any relationship between Islam and psychology?

The more you have sincere faith in Islam the less you have psychological problems.

How big was the garden of eden?

Physically as it was located in this world, it was probably not tremendously large. Perhaps a square kilometer or less (or more), since it is called a garden, not a region. However, before the sin, the garden was directly linked to the spiritual garden, to which Adam and Chava (Eve) had easy access until it was hidden from this world. The sages of the Talmud (Taanit 10a) describe the spiritual garden as being sixty times larger than this world.

What is moral and spiritual?

Moral and spiritual health refers to the less tangible aspects that contribute to our overall wellbeing. These more subtle parts of ourselves have to do with our ability to address our instincts and urges while maintaining our faith and belief in ourselves and others based on our view of the world that produces positive behavior in our actions and deeds.

What are the two different types of rehab?

The two main types of rehab is physical and psychological. For the physical side, there are detox centers. That is to get you past physical addiction. They can put you on less toxic things and then get you off of those. You can't just quit some things, since that could be life-threatening. A person could in theory do it themselves if they made up their mind to drink or use less and less each day until their body no longer needs it, but the chances of doing that are slim, and it would likely be risky. Others would likely have to monitor you as they help you fight your urges and keep you from using more than what is needed to prevent the worst of the symptoms. Then there is the psychological side of things. That mostly involves supervised living, classes, rules, meetings, therapy and things like that. That is to try to get people over their desire to use substances in the first place.