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Q: Can a person in love willingly hurt the loved one in revenge for a hurt?
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What makes a person want revenge?

If somebody hurt you, betrayed you, humilated you, you would want to get back at that person

What are the dangers of seeking revenge?

Well, for one, you might get hurt, caught, or even killed in the process. Two, it becomes an ongoing battle between you and your rival. For example, many plots in stories on revenge are how their loved one were killed by someone and they seek that person to get their revenge from the loss they have experienced. But, if you think about it, its not going to bring back the person that was killed, only create more commotion and makes the situation messier.

Why are you still so hurt by someone who treated you like crap?

Aslong as you loved the person it will always hurt. Even if they did treat you bad.

What is the name of the feeling to hurt someone either for pleasure or pain or revenge?

That's being a sociopath. Sociopaths have no remorse or empathy for another person. They care only for the end result they want, and that is a satisfied thirst for revenge or to hurt someone.

How do you write a conclusion of revenge?

Revenge is something harmful, you want to do the same thing what the other person did to you and hurt him very bad in a way that u get revenge, but if u leave it to God or don't do it, it's called PEACE OF MIND !

Why is revenge bad?

Revenge is bad because no matter how bad the person hurt you the first time, if you get revenge on them, you wont feel the slightest bit better. Of course their isn't one person in the world who can honestly say that they have never got revenge on someone, everyone has done it at least once. All i can suggest iis not to do it, things will only get worse.

How is revenge a confession of pain?

Revenge can be seen as a confession of pain because it often stems from feelings of hurt, betrayal, or anger. Seeking revenge is a way for someone to try to alleviate their emotional suffering by attempting to make the other person suffer in return. It is a way of expressing and externalizing one's internal pain through destructive actions.

What are some ways you could accidentally hurt your friends and their feelings?

If you are trying to get revenge by trying to accidentally hurt your friends and their feelings then you would be no better than they are. The best way you can get back at them is to completely ignore them and get on with your life. Revenge saps the energy out of a person and can make them bitter and revenge has never satisfied an individual. There are other friends and no one says you have to stay with the friends you have.


action taken in return for being hurt

What was the outcome of Stacey's revenge?

Stacey's revenge ended up causing harm and regret, leading to negative consequences for both herself and the person she sought revenge against. She realized that revenge did not bring her the satisfaction she had hoped for and only perpetuated a cycle of hurt. Ultimately, she found peace and closure by letting go of her anger and choosing forgiveness instead.

Does revenge hurt you more than it helps you?

It depends on what you sacrifice to get that revenge just make sure it's worth it before you do it

You want revenge on your ex girlfriend?

Here's a quote I live by: "Forgive the person, because if you don't THEY STILL CONTROL YOU!" This is what you are allowing him/her to do. Of course you are hurt, feel used and abused, but by taking revenge out on this person you are only making yourself feel worse and instead of learning from this experience and moving on to better and bigger things you are wasting your time figuring out how you can hurt this person. A waste of time! Sit back, pull out some popcorn and watch the narcisstic hang themselves with their own rope! You don't have to do a thing! I was just on the other end of revenge. And believe me the only thing it accomplished. Was that he went from being a wonderful person to being an idiot.