

Can a person live with only a heart and liver?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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No, the whole "missing brain" thing is a show-stopper. Lacking a skeletal, respiratory, digestive, and excretory system doesn't help much, either.

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Q: Can a person live with only a heart and liver?
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How long will a normal person live on 10 percent of their heart?

you won't live. you have to have all of your heart to live. it's impossible to only have a fraction of your heart anyways.

Can a person live without ears?

Yes, A person can live without ears because ears are not a major part of the body. They only provide hearing. Although, if you didn't have ears you probably would use sign language to communicate. However, if you didn't have a heart or liver or stomach, you would probably die.

Can a person live life with 10 percent of a none cirrohsis liver?

My gastro said I could live a long healthy life with only 10% of a none cirrohsis liver he said he knew people who lived a very good life with only 5 percent of a none damaged liver.

How does liver disease affect the heart?

a Heart disease affects every organ, not only the liver. because the heart pumps blood thoughout your body, so if you have a heart disease it might affect the bloob, infecting and affecting the organs.

Can you live with a half liver?

Surgeons don't remove half of a kidney, so you must mean can someone live with a half-functioning kidney. Yes, a person can live with one kidney only functioning at half capacity. The other kidney picks up the workload. However, if the other kidney begins failing, the person will need dialysis to live.

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People only have one heart and in almost every one of them it is on the left; most of them live just fine with their "left heart only".

What organs are impossible to live without?

Heart, Liver, Brain, Kidney You can live off of only 1 lung or kidney and thanks to advanced medical technology a person can live with many jeopardized organs. However, the first 3 are imperative!

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Lungs, heart, liver, pancreas, gall bladder...

Can you you live without your heart?

Only if you're hooked up to a mechanical heart or a heart bypass machine.Humans need their hearts to pump blood throughout the body. If the heart fails to pump, the person will die. Sometimes, an artificial pump or a heart transplant can keep a person alive, but both have problems with the body rejecting the new heart as "foreign".

Can heart filter blood?

No. The heart does not filter blood, it only pumps it around the body. Other organs such as the kidneys and liver have the task of filtering blood.

Can the heart filter blood?

No. The heart does not filter blood, it only pumps it around the body. Other organs such as the kidneys and liver have the task of filtering blood.

How long can a person live without liver function?

Liver is a lovely organ that seldom complains. Once it complains there starts the real trouble. Please love your liver and care for it. Once your liver becomes dysfunctional you have to transplant it. And transplanting liver costs you a tremendous lot.