

Can a person live with out a liver?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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No a person cannot live without a liver

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Q: Can a person live with out a liver?
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Can a person live wiyhout liver?


Can a live person donate a liver?

Yes, in fact, donating a liver makes you live longer!

Is someone have hepatic faliure will die?

The liver is required to live. A person can live with a low percentage of a functioning live, but with health consequences. The liver is a transplant-able organ though, so there is hope if liver failure is eminent.

Can a person live without your liver?

You could but not for very long as your liver filters everything your body doesn't need

How long can a person live with liver damage?

Depends on how much damage.

What organs can a person not live without?

Brain, heart, liver, pancreas, both lungs

Can a person live life with 10 percent of a none cirrohsis liver?

My gastro said I could live a long healthy life with only 10% of a none cirrohsis liver he said he knew people who lived a very good life with only 5 percent of a none damaged liver.

What is a high risk liver donor?

a person dying who donates a liver to a dying person

How long can you live without kidneys and a liver?

It all matters how strong the person can hold life into themselves.

How can you live without a liver?

A human being cannot live more than a few minutes without a functioning liver. During a liver transplant operation, a machine substitutes the function of the liver

How long can a person live without liver function?

Liver is a lovely organ that seldom complains. Once it complains there starts the real trouble. Please love your liver and care for it. Once your liver becomes dysfunctional you have to transplant it. And transplanting liver costs you a tremendous lot.

Can you live with a half liver?

Surgeons don't remove half of a kidney, so you must mean can someone live with a half-functioning kidney. Yes, a person can live with one kidney only functioning at half capacity. The other kidney picks up the workload. However, if the other kidney begins failing, the person will need dialysis to live.