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VERY UNLIKELY. One of the provisions of most probation and parole requiremnts is that the individual not be around those types of activities.

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Q: Can a person on probation serve alcohol in Illinois?
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Are there any gay bars in Illinois for 18 year olds?

No. Bars serve alcohol and the minimum age to drink alcohol in Illinois is 21, gay or straight.

Can your roommate possess alcohol if you're on probation?

The law varies in each state, but in my state, if the probation officer stops by the home and there is any alcohol or illicit substances present they can call that a "violation of probation" and send the individual back to serve the remainder of the time behind bars. So its not a good idea for your roommate to possess alcohol when the probation officer could stop by at any random time.

What happens if you gave one dirty pee test on supervised probation?

When a person is placed on supervised probation, they may be required to submit to urine tests to check for illicit substances. If the urine test comes back positive for drugs or alcohol, probation may be revoked, and the probationer may be sent to serve their sentence in jail.

Can a parent serve alcohol to their minor child in public in Illinois?

No. Parents cannot serve liquor to their minor child in public or private.

What is the difference between felony and misdemeanor probation?

The difference between felony and misdemeanor probation is the felony is when a person is sentence to a jail term, but it can be served out of jail. The misdemeanor probation is not given jail time. They serve a probation period.

If a person is on probation and as a condition of the probation they are to have no contact with their victim can the person be arrested if they contact the victim?

Yes, they can be arrested for contacting the victim. If they were released before serving their entire sentence, they might have to serve the rest of that sentence. Plus, they might have to serve more time for parole violation/s.

Can a person serve probation abroad?

I don't think so because one of the requirements of probation is that you are able to be contacted by your probation officer at all times. Phone calls don't count, so I would say probably not.

Is it illegal in the state of Illinois to serve someone alcohol if they are intoxicated?

It depends upon which level of intoxication. It is solely upon the vendor.

At the age of seventeen if a person is emancipated by marriage can he or she serve alcohol?

No they cannot serve alcohol. Emancipation confers independence, whether by marriage or decree. But it does not change the laws regarding use and sale of alcohol.

What is a finding of probation violation commitment?

The conditions of a convicted person's probation are clearly set forth in the documents they receive at the time they are placed on probation. A violation of ANY of those prohibitions constitutes a Violation of Probation (VOP) for which the probation can be revoked and, at the option of the judge, the subject can be remanded to jail to serve the remainder of their sentence.

What is felony probation?

Felony probation is a sentence the judge imposes when someone pleads guilty to a felony. It allows a person to serve his sentence without going to jail or to prison. The person will be under court supervision and he can be incarcerated if he violates the terms of his probation.

What does it mean to have 2 years to serve and 5 year probation?

You will serve 2 years incarceration in prison. Then upon release you will serve 5 years mandatory supervisory probation.