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Q: Can a person wake up one morning with freckles?
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The purpose of using buzzers on a phone in the morning is to use it as an alarm to help one wake up in the morning. The buzzing sound helps one wake up.

What are negatives of a refrigerator?

Its cold if you wake up one morning inside it.

Who likes Saved by the Bell?

I do. I watch it every morning when I wake up. There are 4 episodes in the morning every morning and I only see 1/2 of one and a whole one. Sometimes I see the last one.

Is legacy from new boyz is the one with freckles?

Yes legacy is the light one with freckles

Are freckles attractive?

MMMM.... Everyone has freckles. No one can help having them. Whats so wrong about freckles? If you have them you should be proud of them. Just say you have some freckles and a bigger ugly one. Who cares!!!! freckles are cute and it dosent really matter about your apperance anyway. So in my book freckles r attractive

How many freckles do some people have?

There is no definite amount of freckles that one can have. Freckles can be natural or caused by excessive sun exposure.

Can you get freckles on lips?

Yes, you can get freckles on your lips. I have one.

Which is an example of person feeling marginalized?

Elizabeth feel that no one likes her because she has freckles.

Do black people have freckles?

Yes, black people do have freckles. Morgan Freeman is one movie actor that has freckles.

What if you woke up one morning and your house was gone?

my question to you, good sir, is: when i wake up on said morning, would i wake up in my bed with nothing else around me? or would i wake up in nothing by the pile of dirt where my house formerly was? when asking ridiculous questions you must be more specific

Where can one find advice on how to become a morning person?

One can find advice on how to become a morning person at the website "refinery29". The website offers a slideshow of 6 photos revealing how to become a morning person.

In this one picture it looks like he has freckles so does Oliver Sykes have freckles?

Yes :)